My Giant Asian Mantis Nymph Ivory


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Jul 26, 2017
Reaction score
He arrived about a week and a half ago and molted only 2 days after arrival. Perfect molt. I estimate he's about l5 or l6. He started off pure brown, but now his eyes, and inner arms are turning pink, the rim of his thorax is turning green, and his legs are pretty dark. The picture doesn't do it justice, but that's some interesting coloration if I've ever seen it! Anyone else have a situation like this?

My H. Membranacea, Ivory

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I'm not sure about the error, but you can always upload the picture to a hosting site like Imgur or others.  After that description, I want to see it!

I'm not sure about the error, but you can always upload the picture to a hosting site like Imgur or others.  After that description, I want to see it!
Hey thanks for the help I put the link to the imgur post in my edit. And yeah it is some pretty interesting coloration, in the picture the thorax looks black around the perimeter but it's actually green. You can see the eye's color pretty well and the arm color if you look closely.

I love the eye and inner arm colors!  I also like the name Ivory.  Glad you were able to post the picture one way or another.


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