My Mantis is dying...


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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2016
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She is kind old now, got her in august and she was already L3... I didnt think it would make me so sad to see her in this state...

One of her leg was black for a few days, i fed her yesterday, and saw that she wasnt moving much.... not really agressive towards its preys (its a sphodromantis lineola, she is usually very agressive). Now one of her leg is lost at the middle of it, it looks like a necrose. She has layed 3 eggcase (unfertile) so i knew that she wouldnt live a long time... but know i see her shaking her half leg and i wonder if i should kill her because she dont seem to enjoy living anymore...

I didnt think i would be so sad when my insect dies but she was with me while i was going through some tough stuff, i know it sounds so ridiculous speaking of an animal that way but i was always happy to see her on my desk when coming home from work or studies...

what should i do ? and did i do any mistake ?

@Coyote Aww, she's a beautiful mantis, and it sounds like you really care for her. What I've done for my old mantids to make them comfortable is adding a small platform for when the claws start to fall off and they can't hang anymore. If they can't hunt, I'll hand feed them with tweezers. Once they get old to the point they have difficulty eating, I'll put them down. I still get sad when one passes, but I have lots of pics and video of them to remind me of them. I always think that I gave them a great life, kept their bellies full, and gave them treats and places to climb. She's lived a good while for a mantis, perhaps she'll live a bit more with hands on care. I'm sorry this is happening to you, it's always hard. 

She passed away during the night, at least it was fast, woke up this morning and she was hanging in a weird way...

Sorry for your loss.  I saw someone else on here say that they prefer to still freeze their mantids if they find them dead, just to be absolutely sure they are 100% gone and not suffering.  Just a thought.  I only have two mantids and they are my first, and I am already realizing I will be affected by their passing more than expected too.
