New mantid Mum in the UK


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Btw guys, re identifying her, she was sold to me as Sp. gastrica. I tried to google them and they seem harder to find than lionela etc. Finally I found a vid from Germany where there is one with similar black patterns on the back, so I now can relax in secure knowledge of our ID lol

Oh... but... ANACONDA?

Where'd you handle that?
I was lucky to become a guardian (well, they owned me) of 2 "axanthic" (morph) of yellow anacondas...... long story..... a fab experience...... (sorry gotta dash off to work so I can feed the hungry one lol...will be back later)

At the moment she hasnt got a screw-on lid, im using a plastic mesh "fabric" and a rubber band, also the jar has an openning to the side, not at the top. So she is not actually sitting on the lid.... she is inside the jar usually on one of her branches or hanging from the glass at the top. 

Yes, I gave her a terribly cheezy name, Pula, which is a short for Pure Love. Gimme a break 😂
Cute name! I would suggest moving her to a plastic container with a lid that is not held on by a rubber band. Rubber bands can dry rot and snap and seriously injure a mantis. 

- MantisGirl13

I'll see it in the morning. HAGD!
Hi, sorry had to dig out some old photos of my condas... Axanthic yellow anacondas, about 10ft each. They were a handful but what a beauty to have them in my life for a few years ☺ 


Look at this goofy creature guys....

She hanging upside down, holding some coco coir in her front legs, shes even munching on that...  mustve been a fruit fly in there somewhere....

I do find her fascinating 😀 


Ah LOL ...if I told my friends that people are considering mantises cute.....theyd never understand 😂 

I totally agree, shes one little Missy 🎀

Awww weve had a 1st molt from  this mantis since I bought her 2,5 weeks ago. Yep, my 1st mantis molt EVER!  although I am used to snakes shedding...

She molted just before I bought her too.

Any idea what instar she could be? As I said, its sp. gastrica and she was about 1 inch long (head& body) before she molted, now is a bit bigger.

It happened over night, all seems to be well. So exciting 😀


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Congrats on the molt! Post a picture, maybe a side view, and we can try to id instar.

- MantisGirl13
