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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2010
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well yesterday i was trying to mate me ghost mantis when i was going to bring them under the heat lamt the lid of there continer wasnt on all the way so is fell and of course the male had to go flying somewhere. but the only female i have is ok but luckly i have 2 more males. Where would the mantis be we looked every where. Plz someone help me

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He will be up somewhere, no fret, he will show his self, they are hard to see, lay on the floor and just let your gaze circle the room and calm down. ;)

Yes, like Peter said, windows! Look up too because when I've lost some they've gone to the ceiling because of their instinct to climb upwards! Lost my mating pair of orchids on the ceiling a couple weeks ago. He'll turn up soon I'm sure

He'll show up. Just keep the door closed so he doesn't escape to the rest of the house. I lost a small cricket while trying to feed my adult miomantis and I found it a day later on my wall. So just calm down and you'll find him soon.

I lost one of my mantids for about a day, and after looking under my bed about 20 times, he was hanging out on the underside of the frame! Check on the underside of your furniture if you don't see him on the ceiling or the top of the wall.

your dog might help. the cats on the otherhand would love a new toy. close that room off now.


Cleaning cages today, a day early I might add! and got ready to go to store for turkey shopping and tying my show, discovered a miomantis sitting on the cuff of my pants! almost got to go out in 34F weather! it probably would of crawled inside my pants leg then :lol:


The only escapees I've had have always ended up on the ceiling, or near it. I kind of suspect you'll eventually find him on the outside of the female's enclosure, if scent really is the attractor....

Hah...I got a better one! How about trying to covertly squash an escaped lobster roach before the "barely okay with them" hubby sees it??? :unsure:
Haha, yeah. My mom almost fainted when I showed her the fruitfly culture I bought for my nymphs. :lol: She was so mad when I explained that's all I can feed them when they're that small. She hates fruitflies! Haha!

I've had 2 Chinese male's get out on different occasions, and I also have a cat, a day later I found them dead on the floor not eaten but a little chewed on. I love my cat (Tiger) but man was I mad at her for a little while. but in the end you gotta realize that's what cats do and do well is hunt.

so keep the cat away from that part of the house if you can (good luck on that) mantis seem to like fabric like curtain's, bed covers etc. and yes of course they love being up high and warm.

I wish you the best of luck finding your little guy. :)
