Popa spurca


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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2018
Reaction score
So my L5 popa spurca has been doing very well since I got it. But now, all of a sudden, It drops 'dead' on the floor! I picked it up and it was still alive, but barely. I gave it some honey water, but it is still not looking too good. It is kinda limp, but it can still move around a bit and grip my finger. It is well fed. Its last meal was a newly hatched dubia. Any clue what happened or what I should do? 

- MantisGirl13

Ugh, that must suck @MantisGirl13. I suggest continuing with the honey and maybe cleaning out it's enclosure. Could it be possible that humidity/heat is too high/low? Maybe mess around with the humidity and heat and see if that gives a good outcome. Maybe switch what your using to feed, just to see if it gets better with a different food source. Also, try to hand feed it to minimize energy usage, let it use its energy towards healing. Hope he/she gets better!

Unfortunately, he didn't make it through the night. :(   

It can't be heat or humidity factors, because his four other siblings are in cages right next to his and they are fine. 

- MantisGirl13

@MantisGirl13Could just be genetics also. Like humans most animals can suffer from things we dont see or understand yet. could be just some sort of genetic defect that limited its life span. Another reason i want to establish my business so that some of these questions and mysteries can be answered.

@MantisGirl13Could just be genetics also. Like humans most animals can suffer from things we dont see or understand yet. could be just some sort of genetic defect that limited its life span. Another reason i want to establish my business so that some of these questions and mysteries can be answered.
That is an interesting idea, and entirely possible! I guess we will never know. :(   

- MantisGirl13
