Recent molt


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Aug 20, 2014
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So my mantis shed over the weekend. Finally lol I thought she'd only grow a little bit. I wasn't expecting her to double in size from 1" to 2". Amazing how they fit the new exo-skeleton into the older, smaller one.


When mantises molt, most of the mass they gained in the previous instar becomes their new exoskeleton. Most invertebrates with exoskeletons do the same thing when they molt--they produce a thick layer of new exoskeleton underneath the old exoskeleton that they then stretch out as they pump themselves with air. Once they've fully expanded their new exoskeleton, the exoskeleton then begins a chemical process that changes its color and rigidity. They're just balloons with hardened plates. If you've had the pleasure of watching the complete process of a molt, you'll notice that they come out and appear to be fat and about double the size of their previous instar and then they'll deflate and look a bit smaller than when they first shed their exoskeleton.

If you've ever had the experience of eating seafood, you'll probably have noticed that it's best to go after the older looking individuals that look like they're a bit beat up. Fresh, new looking individuals tend to have very little meat inside of them because they've turned most of their mass into a new, larger exoskeleton and have about the same amount of meat they had before they molted. Sometimes you'll pick up an individual that's nearing a molt and opening them up reveals just how much of them is new exoskeleton that hasn't had a chance to get out and expand.
