Totally Pissed!!


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Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
My wild caught mantis suddenly died after thriving so well. I housed her in this enclosure and she was eating and doing very well: http://i945.photobuc...40/DSCN0614.jpg

She molted and I transferred her to this enclosure on Sunday and she expired yesterday: http://i945.photobuc...40/DSCN0613.jpg (I drilled 5 holes in all 4 sides of the container).

After viewing several mantis enclosures, I'm assuming that I didn't have enuff ventilation....this is very disheartening. I have several P. paradoxa nymphs coming in a few days.....I think L2 or L3's. Seasoned mantis keepers....please post the correct enclosures I need for these little guys...I will greatly appreciate it.

P.S. I housed her in my tee & scorpion room ( I have 58 tarantulas and & several species of scorpions); it's generally around 80-82 degrees in there...what's your take on why she expired..again, I assume not enuff ventilation......?


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ventilation seems fine to me. did you bake the sticks you used in the new bigger enclosure in the pic? possibly there was something on the branch that harmed your mantid.

for my ghosts, I use large deli cups with a mesh covered hole on top, a papertowel on the bottom, a climbing towel hanging from the side, and a stick for hanging. not sure why your mantis died, but I'm sorry about the loss.

I have not had this problem myself or have any proof but I read a lot on the forums and I have seen in many cases ppl saying that you should sterilize the stick from outside. Kill all the possibilities.

I typically wash & bake wood that I gather from the woods or from my yard for my tee enclosures; however, I didn't this time. I fed my tees and the mantis the same batch of crix and the tees are doing just fine.....

I use this


I use containers with good ventilation and lots of fake flowers and real twigs, dont treat the sticks, but I live in the country, so I know no spray is around.

or you can use the plastic rings from beer cans or bottles as climbing material in deli cups

I use 32 oz deli cups then cup a quarter sized hole and put a plug in it with some memory foam or something for easy feeding. You can never have too many deli cups. I use one per mantids on nymphs.

I use 32 oz deli cups then cup a quarter sized hole and put a plug in it with some memory foam or something for easy feeding. You can never have too many deli cups. I use one per mantids on nymphs.
Those are sold pre-cut on mantisplace too! I'm using them right now.I always buy extra cups, but I always find myself needing more within a few weeks (catching mantids outside, moving them around, et. cetera.)
