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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2011
Reaction score
Midwestern Oklahoma
Just an update after the "hot and bothered" thread.

That particular male managed to do the same Houdini trick AGAIN and mated a second time with my female (so she's been mated with 3x times now) Unfortunately for Houdini Jr. he chose to perform is second act right before I went to work, and when I came home.... well, I found his wings and maybe a leg. It's sad but kind of funny. :lol: Ah well, the circle of life and all that. His children hopefully will live up to his example. The houdini part, not getting eaten. :)

Now I'm just eagerly awaiting, and OCD checking on my female's tank for an ooth. It's so hard to be patient and wait for her to lay. I'd include pics of her belly, but I can't for the life of me get them to upload. le sigh.

Indeed. :)

I moved it into a separate deli cup (don't need any munching. lol) And now it's just the waiting game. I am curious though...

She's been mated 3x. Does that mean 3 ooths? (I doubt it but have to ask) AND, should I remate her again in a week or so, or will the other two matings mean I'll get more ooths first? This is a Chinese, btw, so I'm not sure if they even manage multiple ooths. The last few mantids I've raised I only managed one ooth before they seemed to start acting sick and slow, and then died.

Probably asking dumb questions, but it's been a while since I've had mantids in the house. :unsure:


Well, my remaining male hopped onto the female without any issues so far. So I suppose my question up above(whether to remate or not) is a moot point. :rolleyes:
