Mantis fell during molting?


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Active member
May 7, 2012
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I've got a Ghost praying mantis which hasn't eaten in 3-4 days. I assumed it was getting ready to molt and it looks like I was right. I was checking on my mantids earlier and unfortunately found her on the bottom of the enclosure with some of her old skin still attached to the tip of her abdomen. I thought she was dead at first, but when I nudged her, she starting flailing about every so slightly.

I took her out and she was completely unable to stand or even grip onto my finger when I placed it on her legs, even though everything looks fine with her legs and 'arms'. I gently pulled off the bit of skin attached to her abdomen and it came off easily enough, but I'm doubtful she is going to live. It looks like she fell while she was molting, but I'm not sure. All of her previous molts have been fine and this is the only the second mis-molt I've ever had (last one was fatal).

I haven't a clue what happened to be honest and I've just left her alone for now, but is there anything I can do to help her or is she as good as dead?

Gently put her in the palm of your hand with the legs up wing side down and try to get her to grip/hang on a good surface like a branch or screen, it may take a few tries but if she will do it your on the right road to staying alive, but she may be deformed to some degree, you'll have to see what happens.

Thanks for the reply. I tried doing this and she managed to grip onto the lid of her enclosures with her claws and one of her back legs, but she just kept falling again after a while. It doesn't look good. :(

It looks like her head is slightly deformed since she can't seem to lift it very high. Other than that, she looks fine and I'm not sure why she is finding it so hard to even walk.

She's weak from the molt, just keep trying to get her to hang low to the ground so a fall won't damage her as much, unless you think she's done, that's for you to decide?

Unfortunately, my mantis died some time yesterday. She wouldn't grip onto anything for very long and just kept falling. I tried feeding her honey, but she didn't seem to do anything, even when I put it right in front of her face.

It sucks because I've had this mantis for quite some time from the 1st instar, but I guess these things happen. :/

Thanks for the help by the way.

I have a mantis who is in his final moult(I think) and he keeps falling of the stick too, I managed to put him on but he keeps falling, I know he is still alive though be4cause his "arms" flail around a lot. I gave up trying to put him on and gently laid him on a tissue.
I've got a Ghost praying mantis which hasn't eaten in 3-4 days. I assumed it was getting ready to molt and it looks like I was right. I was checking on my mantids earlier and unfortunately found her on the bottom of the enclosure with some of her old skin still attached to the tip of her abdomen. I thought she was dead at first, but when I nudged her, she starting flailing about every so slightly.

I took her out and she was completely unable to stand or even grip onto my finger when I placed it on her legs, even though everything looks fine with her legs and 'arms'. I gently pulled off the bit of skin attached to her abdomen and it came off easily enough, but I'm doubtful she is going to live. It looks like she fell while she was molting, but I'm not sure. All of her previous molts have been fine and this is the only the second mis-molt I've ever had (last one was fatal).

I haven't a clue what happened to be honest and I've just left her alone for now, but is there anything I can do to help her or is she as good as dead?
I have had this happen a time or two. If she can make it to the next molt she might be ok. If you can feed her with tweezers and get her to drink from an eye dropper of Q-tip she might be able to make it ok, if not... the odds are not in her favor.

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