Anyone interested in wasps?


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Crystal Lake Illinois
A month ago i was terrified of wasps but after i did some research on their behavior i became more comfortable with them and began to take interest in them.I have been observing the behavior of Sceliphron caementarium for quite some time and considering its very docile behavior i decided that i want to keep one for both observation purposes and because i really like them. I heard that the only way they sting is if they are pressed against the skin. Anyone else have an interest in wasps?

Edit: i want to keep a male but how do i tell the difference.

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I got stung three times by wasps. It scarred me for life. :c

lol. Good luck finding these. c:

Of course they cannot sting if they do not push through the skin! They need some pressure. I am interested in all animals but turtles are kind of boring to me LOL! But I am still interested in them.


I got stung three times by wasps. It scarred me for life. :c

lol. Good luck finding these. c:
I have been observing the behavior of Sceliphron caementarium for quite some time and considering its very docile behavior i decided that i want to keep one for both observation purposes and because i really like them.
"i decided that i want to keep one for both observation purposes and because i really like them" Sounds kind of formal LOL!
Yeah I'm not a fan of turtles either. The one reptile I have no interest in. I do have a growing interests in wasps as well. I see them a lot when I'm out, different species from different genre. Their social structure is what I'm really interested in, so the solitary wasps you speak of, not so much. But still very cool. The parasitic wasps are also a favorite. Never been stung yet, hopefully my disposition doesn't change if/when I do. Good luck with your observations!

Wasps are very interesting. I would love to keep them.


Love bees and wasps,I free handled this polistes perplexus for this shoot. I think with stinging insects its all about NOT being afraid of them or making them afraid of you. That said I keep epi pens in my bag just incase lol

anything that stings with wings is getting the spray from me or the boot. i was stung as a kid and still scream a bit when one comes near me. if its in a tank i guess id look at it and be ok.... like that pic up there on the dino bone thats cool

I would probably have to start with non-stinging wasps then make my way up lol... If I was allowed to I would probably raise bees in the backyard... Any bee is fine by me except for carpenters. Whenever I used to water my squash they would chase me D;

I would probably have to start with non-stinging wasps then make my way up lol... If I was allowed to I would probably raise bees in the backyard... Any bee is fine by me except for carpenters. Whenever I used to water my squash they would chase me D;
Do not be so scared! :stuart: The stings do not hurt a whole lot and most hurt very little and I do not know of a wasp that often kills people here and that would be a famous wasp LOL!