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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2011
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How often do you re-breed your females to ensure fertile ooths? When I raised Creo pictipinnis I would re-breed the female every 3-4 ooths and it was fairly easily done.

I know that some mantis females are hyper-aggressive and re-breeding can be little more than sacrificing males.

Phrased another way - how many fertile ooths can a mantis lay before fertility is compromised?

For me it depends on the species. Once I know my wahlbergii females are laying fertile ooths, I typically do not try to re-mate them. Mine lay several fertile ooths without re-mating. The majority if the time they will just eat the male. I would re-mate Orchids if I had the opportunity. Generally, for other species, I will remate them only if I notice the female is spraying pheromones and I have a spare male.

For me it depends on the species. Once I know my wahlbergii females are laying fertile ooths, I typically do not try to re-mate them. Mine lay several fertile ooths without re-mating. The majority if the time they will just eat the male. I would re-mate Orchids if I had the opportunity. Generally, for other species, I will remate them only if I notice the female is spraying pheromones and I have a spare male.
How can you tell when a female is spraying pheromones or calling for a male? My Creo P. has been adult for a while now, and while I dont have a male for her I try to watch for the signs she's calling and dont see anything.

How can you tell when a female is spraying pheromones or calling for a male? My Creo P. has been adult for a while now, and while I dont have a male for her I try to watch for the signs she's calling and dont see anything.
Some of my females start calling around 9 - 10 pm. For others, the best way for me to tell is look early in the morning. So, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I sometimes get up and look.

There is a photo on this website that shows of a Creobroter calling. A video would be better but I didn't search for any.{s:7:"subshow";s:6:"growth";}

Click on the growth and lifespan tab.

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Thanks Tammy! Are wahlbergii like Creos in that they seem to lay 8+ ooths at about 2 week intervals?

They are somewhat similar. I only logged the data from my original stock and not from their offspring (the last generation). They laid between 8 - 10 ooths. Mine laid ooths every 9 - 15 days.
