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She's actually getting around the enclosure instead of just hanging there now. Progress.....time to feed her....

She's definitely in better shape from a couple days ago. She moves around, she keeps herself upright instead of just hanging upside down. And she is trying to use her not so disabled right hand raptorial which she gripped the wiggling end of the second meal worm with this afternoon.

I'm just wondering if she'll have enough strength to go through the molt? Tomorrow I'm going to feed her until she stops eating.

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So do you guys think it's necessary to have anything else in the enclosure such as decorations, sticks etc? When I had stuff like that in there they never perched on it and it just got in the way. They are always on the sides of the cage.....

So do you guys think it's necessary to have anything else in the enclosure such as decorations, sticks etc? When I had stuff like that in there they never perched on it and it just got in the way. They are always on the sides of the cage.....
Go to the housing forum. Mantids like to hang upside down. I hot glue small sticks on the lid for better gripping. I also glue sticks on the sides of the enclosure. There are some great housing ideas on that forum :)

Yesterday she ate two meal worms and a large half dead cricket. Her appetite is ravenous. She's also trying to move around alot more.

How's she doing?

*edit* Oh, we posted at the same moment! Glad to see she's still doing well! It's a very good sign that she's moving around. :)

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So I noticed that all of my critters have on them what look like two sets of little wings on their backs. Is this the last nymph stage before adult? When they molt next will there actually be wings there?

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Some updated pics. Although still bent over, she is doing much better. Much move movement and her appetite is ridiculous.




She looks like she's doing good. Thanks for the update, and I'm happy to see she's pulling through.
