glue on lid liquifies when misted.


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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
Kelowna, British Columbia Canada
hey guys,

so I made vented lids with screen for my 32 oz deli cups... I used super glue for one of them... but it smelled to toxic so I used elmers white glue. today my mantid nymphs arrived and I misted the enclosure only to discover when I mist the glue turns into liquid again.. how can I fix this??? would a glue gun make a difference? im sure it would.. I also don't have one but im sure I could borrow one, is there any other things you guys use that don't do what the white glue does?


Elmers glue is water in the presence of water, it re-liquifies. The glue in hot glue guns is just molten plastic. The toxic smell usually goes away after the plastic stops being molten and hardens and cools. :) jusy air it out a little before introducing your mantid ;)

Elmers glue is water in the presence of water, it re-liquifies. The glue in hot glue guns is just molten plastic. The toxic smell usually goes away after the plastic stops being molten and hardens and cools. :) jusy air it out a little before introducing your mantid ;)
Ok I will.. I am going to do it tomorrow when it's lighter.. I just took off the screen with elmers glue and cut a big square of screen and closed the lid on top of it. But I bought a glue gun. Yea that's what I figured.. It couldn't melt without heat lol

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I did the exact same thing, before I knew better. I used super glue, but it smelled so terrible I threw the entire enclosure away before I even finished (not to mention I also glued my fingers together, which was a painful experience). I then tried Elmer's glue, which "seemed" to work fine, until I misted everything before adding in my new mantis. Fortunately I did not add in my mantis right away, and I had time to discover that the Elmer's glue redissolved. So yes, only use a hot glue gun!

I did the exact same thing, before I knew better. I used super glue, but it smelled so terrible I threw the entire enclosure away before I even finished (not to mention I also glued my fingers together, which was a painful experience). I then tried Elmer's glue, which "seemed" to work fine, until I misted everything before adding in my new mantis. Fortunately I did not add in my mantis right away, and I had time to discover that the Elmer's glue redissolved. So yes, only use a hot glue gun!
Ya I've glued my fingers many times lol it hurts.. Yea I was too lazy to go get a glue gun but now I have one..
