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Sep 9, 2014
Reaction score
Australia, Tasmania.
So I have a giant rainforest mantid (hierodula majuscule) and I know they prefer temps over at least over 18 degrees (64 fahrenheit), but he's in a small cricket keeper as all the other tanks and krater keepers I have are just too big for him at the moment. I have a night heat lamp that is 75w and as it can get a bit cold in my house I was wondering what else I would need to set the light up above/next to his tank, to regulate it and make sure it doesn't get too hot.

Or if there is something else I can get instead for nighttime heating for him, although his enclosure is plastic so I'm a bit wary.

I've got some pictures attached of what he's currently in, the pink kritter keeper was the one I originally had set up for him but it was just too big.



A few options:

You could also consider http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004LODKRQ which has a variety of wattage. Just make sure your lamp socket can handle it, and compare prices because I know some of the wattages on that link are not good price-wise.

Just curious, your profile says you're from australia. Are these guys native to where you live? If so you won't need external heating for them. A colder temperature during the night is natural, and they will be used to that. All my mantises (except for a couple species that come from real hot regions) live at room temperature which is around 75 degF, I know the temperature drops well below the 70s during the night though they are all doing fine.

75W for a small kritter keeper seems a little overkill to me. I can reach 82 degF in a 10 gallon with a 13W bulb. I don't use anything to regulate the temperatures right now, I just do it manually. It's been stable for now, as long as the lamp doesn't get moved. Shouldn't need to worry about the plastic, it will take some serious heat to melt it.

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Just curious, your profile says you're from australia. Are these guys native to where you live? If so you won't need external heating for them. A colder temperature during the night is natural, and they will be used to that. All my mantises (except for a couple species that come from real hot regions) live at room temperature which is around 75 degF, I know the temperature drops well below the 70s during the night though they are all doing fine.

75W for a small kritter keeper seems a little overkill to me. I can reach 82 degF in a 10 gallon with a 13W bulb. I don't use anything to regulate the temperatures right now, I just do it manually. It's been stable for now, as long as the lamp doesn't get moved. Shouldn't need to worry about the plastic, it will take some serious heat to melt it.
Yeah in Australia :) and I'm pretty certain they are native here, my problem is I'm in Tasmania and it can get quite cold in my house of a night time, and I'm a worry wort with any and all of my animals :) Yeah I thought it might be, I'm thinking I'm going to have to buy some stuff online as I can't find a heat lamp anything under 50w in store.

Yeah I thought so :) What would I need to regulate the heat of a heat lamp though?

Aryia is right that you might not need a heat source - but if you are like me you'll want one to feel better about the situation... even it turns out to be more of a security blanket than anything.

For monitoring the heat, you should either get a cheap reptile thermometer and adjust it manually, or look for something like that $33 gadget I linked above http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000NZZG3S . Basically that thing plugs between the wall outlet and the light, and it has a thermometer built in (on a cord so you can put the sensor in the tote). You then set the desired temp, and it acts like a light switch to only heat the tote when it's below the setting you picked.

I just use a regular light bulb, it doesn't necessarily need to be a heat lamp bulb. All bulbs heat up when you leave them on :p Unless of course you want to leave it on overnight, you could get one of the black shaded bulbs for that.

As long as you don't use a very high wattage bulb, there shouldn't be the need to regulate it. It won't ever get into dangerous temperatures, but if you really wanted to you would have to look for a thermostat. On/off thermostats are probably the cheapest, whereas progressive ones can be quite expensive.

I just use a regular light bulb, it doesn't necessarily need to be a heat lamp bulb. All bulbs heat up when you leave them on :p Unless of course you want to leave it on overnight, you could get one of the black shaded bulbs for that.

As long as you don't use a very high wattage bulb, there shouldn't be the need to regulate it. It won't ever get into dangerous temperatures, but if you really wanted to you would have to look for a thermostat. On/off thermostats are probably the cheapest, whereas progressive ones can be quite expensive.
That's a good idea!
