I think my mantis is dying??


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Well-known member
May 20, 2017
Reaction score
Lambourn, England, UK
I think my mantis is going to die, he is just lying on his front. He tries to move but is too weak. It's like his abdomen doesn't work or something. He has his head up but his abdomen is just drooping down. Earlier he was on the side if the enclosure and he was struggling he was almost falling and stumbling. He is overdue a molt so I hope it is that but I don't think so. He ate his fruit fly this morning fine. I'm so sad. If he dies I hope it's painless?. Here is a pic. Any advice on what is wrong or how I can help would mean so much!!!! Thanks.



You can't really see but he's really struggling. I've had him for just over 4 weeks and I love him loads already. If he dies I'll be heartbroken, hopefully he's just preparing to molt. 

Ok so he just refused food. I got him out and gave him banana and he had a little nibble. Then I noticed a black spot on his underbelly which really concerned me. I put him back In and immediately he stumbled across a stick and hung upside down and is still there. Is he molting? He looks like it. Fingers crossed?


He looks fine in this picture...he could be molting soon......mantises stop eating right before they molt.

He looks fine in this picture...he could be molting soon......mantises stop eating right before they molt.

He looks fine in this picture...he could be molting soon......mantises stop eating right before they molt.
I know it was just that he couldn't move but I got him out and he could move so I put him back in and then kind of stumbled onto a stick really clumsily then just sat there upside down, I think he's molting here's another pic what do you think? 

As mentioned before your enclosure is very nice but appears limited on ventilation. You really need to have air flow through the enclosure. With just the holes in the top it vents but it does not circulate well. Problems that can occur have to do with mold. It looks like the paper towel is wet without proper air flow mold can grow and that is a certain death sentence. If you take a small drill bit and put many holes up and down the four corners of the enclosure it will allow air to enter in and then vent up through the holes that you have in the top. As much as you care for your mantis this is something you should consider doing.

Glad to hear that it was just a molting issue. You are still in the game!

@Rick Well, he is a kid, lol, and it's his first mantis too. @Mantidkid Well now you know why he was being sluggish, I'm glad you got him on a stick right away, or else it might've not turned out so well. Just make sure to not handle him for at least 24 hours. Write down his molt dates so you can keep track and have a better idea when he'll molt next, then you might not worry so much. Good job so far though! ?
