What have you been feeding your mantids as theyve grown up? Diet certainly helps size!Some beautiful mantids you got there! I'd be interested in a ooth or some little nymphs of your bark mantis. Maybe we could do a trade? Be prepared for the sphodromantis Lineola. My subadult female is a GIANT. Her tarsa hurt my skin when I hold her lol. My subadult male is a monster as well. He should be an adult any day. Your little Heterochaetas have convinced me to get some too?. I love grass mantis for some reason! Hatching a brunners ooth atm. And P. Walbergii... where to start... not amazing as tiny nymphs but sure is it rewarding when the coloration comes in! I have a around L6 female looking for a male! Bought a group of P. Ocellata because they are just like these guys but smaller.
You should check out my collection if you want to see some bigger sphodromantis. I will be updating it soon with a whole lot of new molts and ooths.
Well I just meant older instars. The S. Lineola double in size like every molt. But I fed them on Dubias and BBF. The female is an adult now. Tried breeding her as she was over 3 weeks old. Gave her a full size giant adult female dubia before breeding. But my female Lineola still got a hold of my male and devoured him. She’s a complete monster lol. So now I’m on the lookout for another maleWhat have you been feeding your mantids as theyve grown up? Diet certainly helps size!
Thanks. Yeah she doesn’t take prisoners I guess!Im sorry he's gone! That is so harsh! I hope you can find another male for her!
I was thinking this batch seemed pretty pink myself for L2, as I was shipping everyone off to their new homes this week (I hatched those orchids...FYIWow they are very pink for how small they are. I thought when they were that little they were all exactly the same :huh: