How many mantids do you have?


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Currently three. Two chinese nymphs and this other random green mantis I found outside when I was looking for feeders for the nymphs. Hopefully it's smooth sailing! 

12 at the moment, they are either pairs or trios of

Sphodromantis 'blue flash'

Miomantis paykulli

Ephestiasula sp

Tarachodula pantherina

Parasphendale agrionina

About half are adult or nearly there,  so I'm already thinking about which ones I might get next.

Once I've sorted out my racking and cages I'm also going to get some phasmids.

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I have 20:

Miomantis paykulii- 1 subadult female

Phyllocrania paradoxa- 3 subadult females, 1 subadult male, 1 presub male

Sphodromantis gastrica- 2 subadult females

Gongylus gongylodes- 1 L6 female

Stagmomantis carolina- 1 L1 (unsexed)

Mantis religiosa- L3 male

Parasphendale affinis- 6 L3-L4 females, 3 L3-L4 males

Hymenopus coronatus- 1 ootheca

- MantisGirl13

Currently three. Two chinese nymphs and this other random green mantis I found outside when I was looking for feeders for the nymphs. Hopefully it's smooth sailing! 
We found a green nymph, about 2" and as green as a green bean! Although it was from a batch that I had released earlier this spring, I decided it was too pretty m not to keep. 

Found mantids often make some of the best pets. Wishing you smoothly sailing. ☺️

I also found two chinese yesterday! I gave one to my friend, and one to my brother.

- MantisGirl13

I don't have a total....I'll just post what we have!  :)

5 Orchid Mantis (2 nymphs, 1 sub adult female, 1 sub adult male, 1 L4 male)   

8 Ghost Mantis (L2-L4)    

1 Double Shield Mantis

22 Bark mantis (2 adult females, 2 juveniles, 18 nymphs)

1 Golden Hierodula

2 Galinthias Amoena

6 Indian Flower Mantis

12 sub adult Chinese, 63 Chinese nymphs (12 days old), and approx 120 Chinese nymphs that hatched yesterday.  

We have 2 more bark ooths and 3 more Chinese ooths. We purchased a ghost ooth that never has hatched. Makes me angry to as we love the ghost. Owner of website said they don't do refunds because it could be owner error. That would be fine if every other ooth had not hatched. Fingers crossed we can breed our ghosts!    :)   Also fingers crossed we can sell some of these Chinese to make room for others!  LOL!

@mantidmomma That is a lot of mantids! I am hoping to be able to breed my ghosts soon too. I have three subadult females, one adult male(molted last night) and one pre-sub male.

- MantisGirl13

I'd to have a Wandering Violin in the future. They look so weird, but beautiful at the same time. I plan on trying Ghosts one day. I've never owned a communal species before. 
I love them as they are rather large, very unique and strange little things. I took to calling them my 'wiggle buddies' cause they constantly do their little mantis dance wiggle which never ceased to amuse me. They can be massive wussies and divas at times when it comes to trying to feed them but nothing a bit of patience can't overcome.

Ghosts are quiet easy, calm, and beautiful little leaf mimics. I have not tried communal yet as I only had 6 or so individuals this time around and did not want to risk it. My feeder colonies were not as established as I needed them to be either which is likely why both my violin and ghosts males got murdered by the females after mating :(  If any of my ghost ooths hatch tho I´m so setting up a large communal tank as I have proper feeders cranking out now! I am excited!

Ghosts are quiet easy, calm, and beautiful little leaf mimics. I have not tried communal yet as I only had 6 or so individuals this time around and did not want to risk it. My feeder colonies were not as established as I needed them to be either which is likely why both my violin and ghosts males got murdered by the females after mating :(  If any of my ghost ooths hatch tho I´m so setting up a large communal tank as I have proper feeders cranking out now! I am excited!
Ghosts seem to be fine communally until adulthood. Once adults, the females are fine together and the males are fine together but the males should be separated from females because the risk of a male being eaten by a female increases substantially during mating. The males may try to mate even before they are sexually mature so it's best to separate them immediately upon becoming an adult.

Violins are also supposed to be communal but there are rare instances of one eating another directly after it molted and was helpless to defend itself.

I love them as they are rather large, very unique and strange little things. 

My feeder colonies were not as established as I needed them to be either which is likely why both my violin and ghosts males got murdered by the females after mating :(  If any of my ghost ooths hatch tho I´m so setting up a large communal tank as I have proper feeders cranking out now! I am excited!
They certainly are weird looking! ? Someday I may give them a try. I think they would look great in a enclosure against a white background. 

Feeders... ugh. I'm having a shortage of hydei due to a miscalculation, so I have 6 cultures that are about 5 days old. I'll have to purchase a producing culture just so I don't run out completely. I'm basically waiting for flies to do the nasty. Thankfully, I have plenty of melanogasters, just waiting on hydei. I have 18 nymphs at the moment. I thought I would take a swing at selling a few starter kits and see what happens. 

Good luck with your ghost ooths!
