A special new arrival


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Most snakes will take frozen-thawed; the ones that accept live only are few. None of mine have that issue, beyond perhaps one hatchling that doesn't want anything I give it (but he's a basket case all his own that I at least partly blame the breeder for).

Well, since those photos, a few others have joined (notably, my European representative Ladder Snake and federally protected Black Pine), filling out the collection for the forseeable future. Pics on the others will show up on my blog posts at carltoncarnivores.com, but here for now, a shot of my new male corn, Dreamer:

Dreamer by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

He's a Ghost motley (hypomelanistic anerythristic and recessive pattern mutation), hopefully a Coral Ghost (Strawberry instead of standard hypo allele) and Tessera (dominant pattern mutation). Only time, and breeding, will tell though.

Oi....what is it about me being bit that people find so amusing? This and the other photo set I have of similar setting are quite possibly the most popular posts I've ever made on FB and IG...and he obviously finds it enjoyable.

Tsefan noms by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

No, it doesn't really hurt (yet; once he gets to mature size, 3-5 feet, then it might be a bit more of a pain), but it's a fact of life if you keep anything in the common kingsnake complex (Lampropeltis getula ssp.). Anything in their vicinity might just look like food (he's tried eating my iPod once before), and unfortunately when handling fingers are usually the most nearby, warm, and squishy objects available. Luckily Halailah the Baja kingsnake is becoming much less inclined...though she'll also still go for an occasional taste-test as well.

Tasty finger? Lol

iPods really don't sound like good snake food. 

What a beautiful snake!

- MantisGirl13 

Do little ones break the skin?
He's not particularly little anymore, pushing 2 feet, so yes, he breaks the skin. If they grab at the right angle even a hatchling can too. But, it's a pinprick either way; if you can avoid flinching and pulling away though, even a large reticulated python bite is little more than a bunch of tiny punctures.

This is so cool! What did you use as the main body of the pendants? Could you try different colors? Maybe transparent?

- MantisGirl13 

No sales of the pendants yet...perhaps the next set will garner more interest. Meanwhile, reptiles:

Midnight by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

With the passing of my oldest, Candice, (13 1/2 years), Midnight is now the elder of the house at 10 1/2, and largest in the house currently at over 5 feet (since the retic stays elsewhere she doesn't count). Daughter of my first snake ever, she's got his gentle personality too (if a bit more explorative).

Midnight by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

I've posted about the gray-band Gideon before already; as he hadn't eaten on his own since I got him, I wanted a snake I could rely on so he could visit the high school, so here's Gubler:

Gubler by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

Gubler hasn't missed a meal since arriving, all mice too; naturally though, a week after he showed up Gideon finally decided to eat on his own too, but now I've got two brilliantly patterned alterna to use for education

Gubler by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

Tsefan the MBK I showed has a taste for fingers; Halailah the Baja king apparently developed a thing for pants...

Halailah by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

Halailah by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

And last for now, Domhara the mountain boa's future (several years' future) boyfriend, Reynard:

Reynard by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

He's still on lizards, but starting to show interest in scented pinkies. And, 2 years younger than Domhara, but he's already almost as orange as she is so he's going to be brilliant as an adult

Reynard by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

Reynard by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

It's a pair of pants, not a scarf. Wasn't aware of her attempt until I noticed she hadn't moved for several moments, and looked down...

I have 24 snakes. They're actually cheaper than the mantids, and most a lot more willing to interact with people.


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