Best way to induce threat pose?


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
I love it when my Idolo or Budwing throw down a threat pose, but its always quite random, and I seldom get a chance to photograph them. My Budwing threat poses most when watching TV, and sees something that startles her (Kim Kardashian has been a consistant trigger).

Anyway, does anyone have some tried, true, and humane methods to share? I'd love to know them :)


i have had them for 8 years and they hardly ever pose for me. nothing you can do will make them do it ever time. you just have to be patient.

You might try with them what ha worked for me with Creos and some other larger breeds: Take a feather or other harmless implement, and wave it close to the face to act as a threat without the possibility of bringing harm to the mantid. This will often induce the threat pose. Perhaps Budwings are slow to anger. Not so with some species.

I love it when my Idolo or Budwing throw down a threat pose, but its always quite random, and I seldom get a chance to photograph them. My Budwing threat poses most when watching TV, and sees something that startles her (Kim Kardashian has been a consistant trigger).
Ha! Ha!

LL, I've gotten the threat pose when I wasn't trying to get it. It's similar to what Rich suggested. I was trying to photograph them holding onto a fly. I waved the fly in front of them and tried to get them to grab it, and they gave me the threat pose. Budwings were pretty consistent. I didn't handle them much, and that sometimes makes a difference.

Good luck!

My Budwing threat poses most when watching TV, and sees something that startles her (Kim Kardashian has been a consistant trigger).
I have the same reaction with the Kar"TRASH"ians. I'm glad I don't have cable, it's bad enough the "KKK" is all over regular TV and grocery store checkout aisles. Hey! you can even buy their "High Class Fashions for the Homeless" at Sears. :eek:

I just get one of my kids toy guns and say "stick'em up, this is a hold up, give me all your money" and boom there little arms go up, they don't want any trouble, and it looks just like a threat pose!


Get another mantid, preferably a bigger one. I always got my budwings, Euros (which make noise), and Chinese to flare up when a female desiccata is around. I have to be careful, of course, because desiccata have a bad reputation of stalking their cousins!

I've also found that when you start out far away then rush up to a mantid, its more likely to get mad than when you are constantly near it/holding it. Put it out somewhere, leave the room for a little, then rush up to it.

P.S. I feel Blepharopsis mendica has the baddest attitude of any mantid species!

LOL! when I WANT them to do it (for a photo), they just sit there, but other times I have only

to walk near them and they will threat me!!

I get threat poses from my Europeans when they have a comfortably hot temperature or more. Anything i do close to them at those temps they usually threaten me. When it's cold they prefer to run away. I always thought it should be the opposite though

Get another mantid, preferably a bigger one. I always got my budwings, Euros (which make noise), and Chinese to flare up when a female desiccata is around. I have to be careful, of course, because desiccata have a bad reputation of stalking their cousins!

I've also found that when you start out far away then rush up to a mantid, its more likely to get mad than when you are constantly near it/holding it. Put it out somewhere, leave the room for a little, then rush up to it.

P.S. I feel Blepharopsis mendica has the baddest attitude of any mantid species!
Lol @ running into a room at your bud wing..

that and not holding your mantis I think are the best idea, the feather was ok too but,i can just imagine the mantis attacking without much defense, I had a male who put his defense up one time when my brother put his finger up to it and I think it wasnt expected.. So ultimately you need to be spontaneous and surprise him/her

Buy a kim kardashian poster and run in the room at her with it
