Hi what's the most uncannibalistic mantis?


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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
MI,Allen Park
Hi what's the most uncannibalistic mantis? I wanted to know because I wanted to turn this one spair room I have into perhaps an open breeding room kind of thing.

Violins! But they need high temperatures. If you cant give them the extra heat needed I would go for ghost mantids.

btw You need to make a introdce Yourself post

The most uncannibalistic mantis is a dead one. Those aren't much fun though. :lol: Start with ghosts and get some experience. Then you could try a more "experienced" type. The easier species are the best to start with and to make your learning mistakes with, rather than starting with a more difficult species.

Welcome. Must have missed you in the introductions forum. All mantids are cannibals, so just more than others.

Idolos seem to do well with no cannibalism...but can be much harder to keep, I would start with ghosts, very easy, cool, and do very well together.

From what I've heard, some of the less cannibalistic Mantids are: Texas Unicorn Mantis, Egyptian Mantis, Ghost Mantis, Devil's Flower Mantis, Violin Mantis, and I think Acontista multicolor. Also, most of Mantid nymphs are not cannibalistic until around L5.

ghosts would be my advise...get a few though as there will always be loss...i suggest a dozen if you want to get a few to adult to breed

From what I've heard, some of the less cannibalistic Mantids are: Texas Unicorn Mantis, Egyptian Mantis, Ghost Mantis, Devil's Flower Mantis, Violin Mantis, and I think Acontista multicolor. Also, most of Mantid nymphs are not cannibalistic until around L5.
ummm I,m not sure to this.......I think Miomantis is the most cannibal mantid ever... :gun_bandana:

L1 and L2, eating a moulted L3....crazy killing brothers party.

mantis canibalism por carlitus91, en Flickr

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I have had popa spurca eat siblings at l1 and archimantis at l2 well one out of three was eaten by one of the other two and they can be cannibalistic at any level of development if not food is provided of course and fount heterochaetas not as cannibalistic though but if not enough food is given you will risk the chance of one or more nymphs to be eaten and of course if you have too many hatchings its best to let them eat each other for a number that is better controllable as well!

I think Oxyopsis gracilis are not Cannibalism I had 20 hatched out still have 20 at L5 ... None lost . and I still keep them together In a 10gl tank .

Gee, I dont know about that!?

I mated a pair of oxy grac's and when they were done, the female wasted no time turning

the male into lunch!!!

Nothing left of him but one little wing :eek:
