Hi what's the most uncannibalistic mantis?


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I have kept many species and every one will commit cannibalism at some point.

The only species I've kept with zero incidence of cannibalism is Heterochaeta sp. Others report opportunistic cannibalism of molting siblings.

I've kept the following species communally with minimal losses due to cannibalism:

Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii (Spiny Flower Mantis)

Oxyothespis dumonti (North African Grass Mantis)

Humbertiella ceylonica (Indian Bark Mantis)

Phyllovates chlorophaea (Texas Unicorn Mantis)*

Sinomantis denticulata (Glass Mantis)

Idolomantis diabolica

Oxyopsis gracilis (Paraguayan Mantis)*

Sibylla pretiosa (Cryptic Mantis)

Heterochaeta sp.

Phyllocrania paradoxa (Ghost Mantis)*

Gongylus gongylodes (Violin Mantis)

Pseudoharpax Virescens (Gambian Spotted-Eye Flower Mantis)

(* it is a good practice to separate the sexes of this species by pre-sub stage)


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