The Chinese mantis is often overlooked by keepers and breeders, but is a favorite of mine due to their friendly personality and large size. These are young, yet mature, wild caught Tenodera sinensis adults, ready to lay ooths soon. They are quite large, healthy, beautiful looking specimens... and the females are very fat.
The females will likely lay around 4 ooths or so each; and each ooth will produce between 150 and 300+ nymphs. This is also a great species to keep, as you can rear the nymphs inside yourself, or release them outside in your gardens or bushes.
Adult Females (likely already fertile) - $8.00 each
Adult Males - $8.00 each
Adult Sexed Pair - $14.00 each
Please add $8.00 S&H to any amount ordered. Continental US only please. Thank you for looking!
The females will likely lay around 4 ooths or so each; and each ooth will produce between 150 and 300+ nymphs. This is also a great species to keep, as you can rear the nymphs inside yourself, or release them outside in your gardens or bushes.
Adult Females (likely already fertile) - $8.00 each
Adult Males - $8.00 each
Adult Sexed Pair - $14.00 each
Please add $8.00 S&H to any amount ordered. Continental US only please. Thank you for looking!

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