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  1. H

    10 Chinese mantids for $10!

    Hello, Please check out these links to my Chinese mantids and fruit flies on Ebay! Mantids- Fruit flies- Please feek free to email me at [email protected] with any...
  2. H

    FREE fruit flies!

    Hello, I am having a sale for 1 FREE culture of fruit flies with purchase of any other fruit fly culture. Fruit fly cultures cost $5, and are your pick, D. hydei or D. melanogaster. My cultures are 32 oz. Shipping is priority for $7, with a LAG. All you need to do is register for the forum...
  3. H

    I held a pokie...

    Two sacs of regalis! You are going to be overwhelmed! My pair is really nice, they were selectively bred to have dark colors with sharp contrast. They are amazing! Maybe I'll post up some pics. Also, I am currently in the process of breeding Heteroscodra maculata, those are little monsters...
  4. H

    Got a new A. versicolor sling this weekend

    Nice! That will be a fun sling to watch grow up. As for your A. paysoni, expect adults in about 10 years! -Dave
  5. H

    I held a pokie...

    Haha you are brave! I am getting a pair in tomorrow. I generally do not handle my Ts, except for when I open their enclosures and they climb up onto me. Took me a while to get my Lasiodora parahybana off me the other day! -Dave
  6. H

    Want to trade A. formosana oothecae for T. sinesis

    Sorry man, I already got oothecae. If you are able to come across other US species though let me know. Thanks, -Dave
  7. H

    My new Theraphosa sp. "Burgundy"

    Nice spider Peter! Theraphosa grow faster than you think! She can reach 9" in two years if fed well. In my opinion no other T can compare to the Theraphosas, they are just the best Ts! Good luck with her! -Dave
  8. H

    Want to trade A. formosana oothecae for T. sinesis

    Hello, I would like to trade oothecae from my Acromantis formosana for lots of oothecae from T. sinesis or other US species like Mantis religiosa. Please email me at [email protected] Thanks, -Dave
  9. H

    ismart (Paul) - (US)

    Paul is a real great guy. He helped me out with breeding by sending me some males. He sent tons of extras, and is very responsive towards questions. This definitely will not be the last time I do business with Paul! Thanks! -Dave
  10. H

    A budwing?

    I'm just thinking that because it has been over 3 months, all infertile oothecae I have seen sitting for that time have been dried up. Also, the eggs have developed since I last checked. Anyways, I'm still skeptical, I just thought I might as well see if anybody had similar experiences. -Dave
  11. H

    A budwing?

    I had a female budwing that produces an ooth for me without mating. The ooth is irregular and large. I kept the ooth anyways though just as part of my collection. The ooth was laid about 3 months ago. A few weeks after it was laid I checked and noticed that the ooth had the signature "ooze"...
  12. H

    Nymphs hatching at L2?

    Yeah, I forgot to mention that she was not too large as T. sinesis go, but she wasn't tiny. She was about 2.75"-3." -Dave
  13. H

    Nymphs hatching at L2?

    Yeah, seems like the logical answer, I just find it a coincidence that larger nymphs "seemed" to skip a molt. -Dave
  14. H

    Nymphs hatching at L2?

    Hello, This past season I had a Chinese ooth that hatched, and the offspring looked about double the size that my other hatchlings were at hatching. Well, I kept one and raised it to adult. Well, I counted the instars, and I could of sworn that it molted mature at L7, as a female! I kept her...
  15. H

    Favorite T

    Personally I love Pamphobetes platyomma, they have very sharp contrast in their colors. Also I love Psalmopoeus cambridgei and Heteroscodra maculata. If you want to jump headfirst, go with a CB Theraphosa blondi, their colors don't look much in pictures, but up close their burgundy colors...