Recent content by JoJo76


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  1. J


    I received an L3 rhombodera megaera from him. It arrived safe and sound and very healthy. Great breeder!
  2. J

    Spiny Flower Mantis scared of food?

    Thank you for the replies. I'll keep an eye on her but it appears she ate the flies. I looked through the substrate and found some wings but no pieces of them. So it appears I was worried for naught. 
  3. J

    New from Canada

    Welcome ^_^
  4. J

    A hobby I'd never thought of before

    Welcome ^_^
  5. J

    Mummy with new hobby with kids

    Welcome ^_^
  6. J

    Hey, I'm new here!

    Welcome ^_^
  7. J

    Howdy from Texas

    Welcome ^_^
  8. J

    Hello from the Netherlands

    Welcome ^_^
  9. J

    Hello To All!!!

    Welcome ^_^
  10. J

    Hello All

    Welcome ^_^
  11. J

    Greetings all :)

    Welcome and I hope you get your orchid. 
  12. J

    Aye-ah from Australia

    Welcome and I hope you get a violin as well.
  13. J

    New to matids

    Welcome to the forum ^_^
  14. J

    Hello again

    Welcome back and I too hope to also raise an idolomantis Diabolica one day.
  15. J

    Lifetime Addiction

    Welcome ^_^