Hi, I'd like to breed my adult female H. Majuscula and I'm in need of an adult male. Name your price and I'm willing to pick up if you are local enough.
Here is a picture of the lovely lady.
Interesting, I wish I had a "Mantids of Central Asia" book like I do for North America. Those individuals seem to have a horizontal line on their compound eye but the one my friend found seems to lack that.
Thanks, good to know there's still time. When I've been out looking so far I've only found females, any tips for finding males? I just read that I could try putting her in mesh cage outside and she might attract males with pheromones so I'll give that a try but I'm worried that there might not...
My buddy who was deployed in Afghanistan several years ago recently shared this photo of what I think is an adult male M. Religiosa that he found in his base's open-air gym sitting on top of a weight. Now that my friends know I'm into Mantids they're busting out all their photos to see what I...
So I've had a wonderful little female stagmomantis limbata since late August and she matured into an adult in early October. I still haven't managed to find a male in my local area (San Gabriel Valley, California) its getting pretty late in the season and she's fully gravid now. Is she too old...
Hi everyone, adopted my first pet mantis in August and he's now a full-grown adult! I named him Johnny five legs because when I found him he was missing a leg, now after his final molt its halfway grown back. Currently looking for a female to mate with him. Here's a picture of the little guy.