Too late to mate my female stagmomantis limbata?


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Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
Southern California
So I've had a wonderful little female stagmomantis limbata since late August and she matured into an adult in early October.  I still haven't managed to find a male in my local area (San Gabriel Valley, California) its getting pretty late in the season and she's fully gravid now.  Is she too old to mate at this point?  Are there even any males left in the local area this late in the year?  Its my first time keeping a mantis and I was hoping to raise one of her offspring but its not looking too likely at this point.

Not too late If she matured only 1 month ago. I don't know if the first ooth she lays will be fertilized but the others definitely will (like if she lays it 3 days after mating or something I mean). You are supposed to wait 2-4 weeks before mating so I think she is good to go if it was late last month she molted into mantis-womanhood.

Thanks, good to know there's still time.  When I've been out looking so far I've only found females, any tips for finding males?  I just read that I could try putting her in mesh cage outside and she might attract males with pheromones so I'll give that a try but I'm worried that there might not be many adult males left since they don't live as long.
