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  1. K

    Hierodula Mem enclosure

    Sorry for the long link. I'm not sure why it was copied like that.
  2. K

    Hierodula Mem enclosure

    I'm trying to convince my husband to let me get a tall tank, but I'm just not sure if this is a suitable size for a Giant Asian Mantis. Would this be appropriate for an adult? I currently have two L5s and one L6...
  3. K

    A good life

    I recently received 3 hierdoula mems from DeShawn. I ordered 2! Excellent experience. 10/10 will order from him again. It's been pretty fun to have them. They are insanely voracious, to the point where I fret about all the fruit flies I put in their containers. And they're really sneaky with...
  4. K


    Just reviving this topic a bit. I found mites in my FF culture I bought from Petco. Can I make my own culture and transfer the flies and have no mites? ALL their cultures had mites when I went back for an exchange!! I am so frustrated. The FF colony is not breeding well and I have 3 hungry...
  5. K

    Heat Pad Or Heat Lamp?

    I currently use a seedling mat under my glass tank with a thermocontroller. The sensor is about midway up the glass and it generally keeps it warm. It's definitely drier in there as all I have in the tank is a green fabric on the bottom. I have had no luck with real substrate because of mold...
  6. K

    Favorite species?

    I've only had 3 species so far. The tendora sinesis. I had 6, but they all died at their first molts. One mantis religiosa. He's an adult now, but he's so antsy and defense I'm not a big fan anymore. And I currently have 3 hierodula membranacea L3s. They are so cute! And they are just full of...
  7. K

    When to give up?

    InsectLore is great if you have kids you wanna teach praying mantises about, but they only sell Chinese mantid ooths. Let us know how your dissection went! Don't go too far in unless you see it's a dud like I did. Pics pics pics!!!!
  8. K

    Off season purchases

    So my religiosa is an adult now, and a male, so I am only expecting a couple more months with him. My question is, is it fine purchasing mantids in the cold seasons? Shipping aside, are the nymphs themselves generally weaker and harder to care for because it's off season? I realize some mantids...
  9. K

    Male mantids: Disappointment or equally as fun as females?

    I have a wild caught male European. He was flighty when I first had him, but once he molted into an adult he got much more so. He doesn't sprint away from me now, but he does strike in defense much more often. And the last time I took him out of his enclosure he kept hopping and flying around so...
  10. K

    When to give up?

    I've actually got 2 right now! Turns out they're really popular to purchase in my state for the summer gardens etc. It's already September though so I really doubt they will hatch. And if they do I'm expecting a very high mortality rate. I only have enough containers for 24 nymphs. I would be...
  11. K

    Creative dubia

    I used  the knife attachments for our wood burning tool. It wasn't the best smelling!
  12. K

    When to give up?

    Here are my results! Turns out the ooth was an infertile dud and nothing was ever going to hatch from it. At least now I can finally clean up and pack off my equipment for when another ooth comes my way.
  13. K

    When to give up?

    Sorry, what I meant by "outside" was in the garage in the mesh net cage it's in. And I will definitely try the razor blade! Biological studies absolutely fascinate me. I will come back with my findings later ?
  14. K

    One big question

    I would change the sponge out regularly. Not clean, but change. And is it a regular kitchen sponge or a sea sponge? Kitchen sponges can have dyes that will make your insects sick and sponges themselves are notorious for holding bacteria and mold when left wet.
  15. K

    Ootheca experiment?

    I'm excited to see if it's true! I'm not sure if these ooths were diapaused but they were in a fridge when I purchased them and it was near the end of July, if not early August. I can't regulate the humidity yet, so the tank is usually between 35-45%. Luckily we modified our tank lid so it has...
  16. K

    When to give up?

    I mean, it's not hurting anything just sitting where it's at. While I've given up misting it, I'll probably leave it until it gets colder outside. Then mostly likely 100% give up. I purchased two more ooths from a local hardware store, but it's already August so I really doubt they will hatch.
  17. K

    Ootheca experiment?

    So I know that ooths hatch faster when it's warmer, so I put these deli cups into our heated tank. It's fluctuates between 74-77 F. Has anyone done this and had more success as opposed to just setting them on your counter? I'm a little concerned about them drying up and/or being too humid. I...
  18. K

    Creative dubia

    I had my dubias in a clear plastic container before I realized they would function better in the dark. And as I came home from the store with a opaque tote I had an idea! And here are the results. Hopefully they'll be a lot happier. They absolute LOVE the blood oranges I've been feeding them.
  19. K

    When to give up?

    I've had a chinese ooth from InsectLore for 14 weeks now. They have already refunded me for it not hatching, but I am just having a hard time letting go. What if I leave them outside and they finally hatch? When should I just give up? Is there a definitive time when the ooth just won't hatch...
  20. K

    One big question

    I heard somewhere that water gel may have chemicals in it that, given too frequently could be bad for the feeder bugs. I wonder also if maybe there is mold in your water gel? Or in the feeder food?