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  1. K

    How long will a my mantis fast before molting.

    She loves honey and I've tried giving her some a few times since she stopped eating and she won't accept it. Her abdomen isn't super skinny but getting thinner. Like I said, she eats a lot and was pretty fat before she stopped eating. I hope you are right that it's just taking a while.  Sad to...
  2. K

    Male Ghost

  3. K

    How long will a my mantis fast before molting.

    Still no molt, still not eating... :unsure:
  4. K

    How long will a my mantis fast before molting.

    My Spiny Flower, who is usually a glutten and will eat anything you put in front of her, has not eaten in 4-5 days. She has the usual signs of molting, ignoring food and batting it away if it gets too close. I'm starting to get worried that something else is wrong because normally she wouldn't...
  5. K

    Pics of Your Enclosure

    What would be the best way to add a little heat to the enclosure? A desk lamp or something like this? A couple of them hang out near the top and I don't want to bake them or anything. I had looked at the Exo Terro top for the enclosure, but it costs almost as much as the Nano Tall itself.
  6. K

    Pics of Your Enclosure

    Here's my first attempt with the Exo Terra Nano Tall. Still have some things to add and will probably change a bit. Still not sure if I like it. Haven't moved my Ghosts yet. Wanna feed them good before moving them in together. Using a temporary light for now.
  7. K

    Pics of Your Enclosure

    I LOVE that enclosure.
  8. K

    Pics of Your Enclosure

    My babies are getting big and I'm ready to move them out of their deli cups into some nicer enclosures. I'm looking to get some inspiration for the new enclosures, and since most of the other threads are suffering from missing photos (thanks to the A-holes at Photobucket), I was hoping some of...
  9. K

    It's Really Hard to Take Pics of Mantis Butt...

    My Ghosts just molted for the second time since I got them and I was hoping to get a picture of the abdomen to see if anyone could tell if it was male or female. What I found is that it is really hard to take pictures of a mantis butt with a cell phone. This is the best I could do. Can someone...
  10. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    One more noob question: How long does it take for fly pupa to hatch? Is there a way to tell which one will hatch sooner (color,size,etc)? I've put about 10-12 pupa in the containers with my various mantis and only a couple have hatched. Some of them have been in the container for 5 days. I read...
  11. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    Yeah, I knew keeping Spiny together was a no-no. I was just wondering when I should think about putting the 3 Ghosts in one enclosure. Since one has molted, I definitely will wait until the other 2 molt before putting them together.
  12. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    Well, while getting ready for work, I went to check on my mantis this morning only to find what looked like 2 Ghost in one container. Confused I looked closer on to find one of them had molted! My first molt! The molted Ghost was a lot bigger than its siblings. Hopefully the others will be close...
  13. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    Mystymantis, She will see one of us and start swaying back and forth and her little butt dances a bit. 
  14. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    Rosemary feeding time:
  15. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    I'm not sure of the instar but I would guess L2 or maybe L3. They are tiny. Like I said, a house fly was to large for one of them to handle. They are only slightly larger than the fly. I've included a picture. That's a chop stick in the cage and a FF in the bottom for reference. Also a shot of...
  16. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    So, being a mantis noob, I have a few questions I was hoping some of you could help answer them. My Ghost Mantis aren't eating like I think they should. They ate about 2 fruit flies (FF) each the first day and since then they may have only each eaten one of two flies. That amounts to each...
  17. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    Yes! I had her out tonight and she did a little sway dance. 
  18. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    That was my intentions. I had kinda thought about all 3 of them in Exo Terra Nano Tall when they grow a bit, if that would be enough room for them. The Spiny Flower, aka Rosemary, is an eater. She consumes every fruit fly I put in the cage within a few minutes. I have some house fly pupa in...
  19. K

    My First Order Has Arrived!

    My first mantis pets arrived yesterday courtesy of DeShawn of I got 3 Ghost and 1 Spiny Flower. I absolutely LOVE them. The Spiny Flower is cuter than a speckled puppy. My wife loves how she wiggles he butt before grabbing a fly. She must have eaten 10 fruit flies last...