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  1. T

    Mantis or Mantid

    This is probably going to sound really stupid, but i was just wondering. Is the proper term mantid or mantis? Thanks
  2. T

    How big will my mantid be?

    I just ordered a ghost mantis and i was wondering, whats the average size of a ghost, male and female.
  3. T

    bad molt = no legs

    Im sorry. My mantis died today as well. It sucks
  4. T

    Ghost mantis

    The female is absolutely beautiful. WOW
  5. T

    a chinese ooth just exploded

    did all of the nymphs live?
  6. T

    Ghost mantid

    I love the coloring on your mantid. Really atracts the eyes. haha
  7. T

    My mantids

    This mantid is quite cute
  8. T

    Theres craks on my mantis

    they were red, and no it was an african species. He died yesterday, damn crix!!!
  9. T

    Most wanted

    I want in order 1. Violin Mantid 2. Ghost Mantid and 3. Orchid Mantid
  10. T

    Ghost or Giant Asian

    Thanks, I still cant decide between them. I'm going to try and see if i can get my mom to get me both.
  11. T

    Ghost or Giant Asian

    I've been online looking and i have been wondering which type of mantis to get. I really like both the Ghost and the Giant Asian. I would like to know which is easier to take care of and stuff like that. Thanks.
  12. T

    Theres craks on my mantis

    On the back segment of my mantis there are two very distinct cracks. I was wondering if these were signs of molting
  13. T

    is it molting

    Got it in Southern California
  14. T

    Little arm gone

    I dont know its instar because i bought it a week ago when it was about the same size it is now. But i know it is not adult becase it is only about an inch long.
  15. T

    Little arm gone

    whats instar?
  16. T

    Little arm gone

    On my mantis's front leg the little end where he walks on is gone. Will it regrow?
  17. T

    Im new and dont know the species

    He does have the dots
  18. T

    why is my mantis dancing?

    why when i hold my mantis does he sway left to right, why
  19. T

    Im new and dont know the species

    yeah its southern california
  20. T

    is it molting

    i have pics of him/her in the other discussion area.