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  1. S

    Creobroter breeding

    Wait for another week or two, it took my male about 2-3 weeks before he 'grew his balls' if you see what I mean...... and yeah you dont want to leave them together.....
  2. S

    ID of a south asian species

    A friend of I showed me these photos posted by a member in a local forum. Apparently this species is quite common in Hong Kong. Could anyone ID this please? Thanks.
  3. S

    Mantophasmatodea (Heelwalkers)

    Interesting insect between phasmid and mantis
  4. S

    I HATE PAYPAL, I HATE PAYPAL (you get the idea)

    If you are dealing with people within the UK you can always do bank transfer through internet banking. It usually wont take longer than 2-3 days. Apparently you can also do international bank transfer with this Not sure how it works though as I have never used it...
  5. S

    Couple of pics needed Go to oothecas and there is a lot of photos.
  6. S

    mantis species from cameroon, pictures

    These are really good pictures! How long have you been in Cameroon? Did you see all these in one trip? How common are they? The 'creo' looks more like a Theopropus Elegans to me though.
  7. S

    your pick?

    I think either the pseudocreobotra (spiny flower) is over-rated or the creobroter(indian/thai flower) is under-rated. While both look similar, the creobroter is a lot more fun to watch than pseudocreobotra, but the pseudocreobotra is a lot more popular because they got those spikes. I also feel...
  8. S

    Can Someone Sex My Polyspilota aeruginosa please !!!

    Does look like a female to me. I only got a female p. spurca at the moment, but here is how it should looks. Sexing for all mantis are the same From the bottom, you should be able to count 6 segments (male 8 ) The above picture shows that there the last segment of the abdomen is big and has...
  9. S

    Some (actually..... alot of :P) pics of my mantis

    Thanks. A very nice mantis you got there!
  10. S

    strange H coronatus behaviour?

    I had the same problem as well. You can try stop feeding them and give them water only until they stop throwing up. This usually works, but if they really got a health problem, then the throwing up will recur and eventually, they get too weak and die. But dont give up, try stop feeding them and...
  11. S

    *Feeding scale*

    I dont know if he ships to UK, but you could try There is also someone selling discoids at (Dead head Roaches) Good luck!
  12. S


    A rather silly question, but do you actually feed the nymphs or you just wait for them eat each other?
  13. S

    *Feeding scale*

    Why not get a colony of Dubia or Discoids? I heard that they grow to about 2 inches and makes good feeders. It might take a few months to get the colony up, but once the colony is up, you wont have to spend a penny getting any more feeder insects.
  14. S

    Some (actually..... alot of :P) pics of my mantis

    I might as well post some pics of my mantises: :D H. Coronatus P. Wahlbergii Polyspilota aeruginosa Creobroter Elongata P. Spurca
  15. S

    Going to explode (part 2)

    I actually had similar problems with some of my adult female Polyspilota aeruginosa. I have never mated them and they never laid any ooth for a long time, and then they just grew fatter and fatter and died. So I suspect that it might be some sort of egg binding problem.
  16. S

    Popa Spurca

    6-7cm head to tail
  17. S

    grr....annoyed...Royal Mail...

    Does mantis fall into this category? Oh this cricket is so noxious I am going to destroy it now..... I just find it ridiculous that you can even send bees and leeches but not mantis. A bee is a lot more likely to suffer and die in post than a mantis.
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    64'000 question

    Probably more to do with greek or latin than to single or plural?
  19. S

    molting sequence pix: dial up beware

    Not really, the ones from canada are also 'ill' lol, but tbh, its more likely to be the crix that I got here locally. They are so healthy that at one point, a good half of which wont survive til day 2. I really should be glad that I still got any stock left. I guess I will have to breed my own...
  20. S

    molting sequence pix: dial up beware

    Polyspilota aeruginosa final molt Oops I was late, wheres the popcorn? 'Full frontal' view Creobroter Elongata final molt View at the back H. Coronatus sub-sub-adult molting with a subad pw running frantically in the background! Chest busting begins.... More...