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  1. A

    Diseased Shield Mantis?

    Thanks, she's actually been doing a lot better since. What do you do to quarantine your crickets?
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    Diseased Shield Mantis?

    It's not a mis-molt. She molted about two weeks before this happened and she was completely normal and eating well before the incident. It was only after I left two crickets in her enclosure that she became ill. I'm fairly sure it was the crickets, but I'm not sure what I can do to help her.
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    Diseased Shield Mantis?

    My mantis is about three months old and I recently upgraded to feeding her crickets because of her size increase. I was gone for a couple days and I noticed that she was laying at a peculiar angle at the bottom of her enclosure. When I handled her, she could only walk using her forelegs with the...
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    Nymph Molting

    I can definitely tell they're shields now, but on the packaging, the shield labels were scratched out and replaced with "Asian", then re-written again on the opposite side. I was quite confused.
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    Nymph Molting

    Thanks for all the advice! I've started to keep track of when the molts occur, and it just so happened that my mantises all molted a few days after I posted my question.
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    Housing options?

    I currently keep my mantises in open canning jars with paper towels covering the tops and I pack about and inch of dry sphagnum moss to cushion the bottom. I was wondering if there is an ideal container for keeping small mantises (mine are L1 and L2). I'm having a lot of trouble finding good...
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    Nymph Molting

    I was wondering how frequently nymphs molt. I have currently have two nymphs that are about half an inch long and one about an inch long (I haven't been able to identify the species). I ordered them from a mantis breeder (I originally ordered one Giant Asian mantis nymph, but she sent me two...
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    Beginner Here

    Hi everyone, I just purchased my first mantis nymph and I'm planning on raising quite a lot since my apartment gets a bit lonely. I'm very new to raising mantises, so I'm very glad to have found this forum. Yay!