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  1. V


    I have a 5.5 gallon tank however I mist twice sometimes three times a day and I spray the entire enclosure even the branches and leaves, and sometimes I spray a large licorice jar even more times since it's smaller. Am I overdoing it with both enclousures? Should I spray the entire enclosures...
  2. V


    I have a large licorice jar , it has small holes on the around the lid. I don't know if the holes are big enough, how do I know I have proper ventilation? Also I have a Screen top on a 5.5 gallon tank is that good vetilation? I don't know though because when I mist the enclosure it drys quickly...
  3. V


    name volvagia2Do you think only 1 large spray is suficient for that jar on a hot summer day and only a few times a week in fall, winter, or when it's not very hot? (thats what I read in some sites to spray a few time a week for these species and to skip a day between mistings probably not a good...
  4. V


    It's a plastic jar, do you think it's a good idea to spray the lid occasionally or daily and do either way if I kept them outside even if it gets greatly dry? Also if I kept them outside do you think if it was really hot while the sun is not even facing the jar, is it a good idea to bring them...
  5. V


    Volvagia2 Aug 27 2008However I'm going to use paper towels do you think I should spray more at if it get s dry quickly and should I spray it more often to keep it constantly moist or occasionly,if I keep it outside? The jar is also plastic, do you any suggestions? Do you think it's a good idea...
  6. V


    Im using a large licorice jar like those you buy at Cosco. I just got a few adult mantids, I'm planing to keep the male there however should I spray the lid or the twig or leaves? Also should I skip a day between mistings for the European spieces? I heard o a site that that's a good idea...
  7. V

    European Mantis

    What does that mean like 50% or do you think I should go lowere becase these are not tropical speices.
  8. V

    European Mantis

    I'm Having European Mantid OOths soon, what is the scentific percentage of humidity do these Mantises need? Also Are there any good Websites where I can get this Mantis speice's ooths? Any Suggestions will be great.