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  1. dragon


    Beautiful pics, Jack! I have a Latrodectus bishopi sling and look forward to seeing it grow up. Mines still quite a tiny bugger -- need a magnifying glass to appreciate its colors. Owning a seriously "hot" (venomous) animal is not necessarily that much of an issue, Peter, provided one treats...
  2. dragon

    Flower Mantis

    Lovely critter!
  3. dragon

    Mating 2 males with the same female?

    I'm glad you brought the topic up no matter what reason KK as I had wondered about this myself. ;) PY, thanks for the info! (Btw background in Bio & Zoology but no strict emphasis in Ent. Most of my knowledge in that area has been through reading/research & observation motivated by...
  4. dragon

    my tarantulas :)

    The 2nd pic of your Pterinochilus murinus is rather neat -- looks like it is reaching up and grabbing/holding the flash of light. :D Good lord that GBB is fat sling!
  5. dragon

    Galeodes deserti

    Solifugids are incredibly cool! Unfortunate that, as Peter mentioned, captive breeding has not proven very successful. As I understand it, WC specimens have not lived long in captivity. But whether that is due to improper husbandry or something else is still speculated.
  6. dragon

    Orchid female eats (photos & video)

    Some truly magnificent shots! What are you shooting with?
  7. dragon

    Attracting Flies

    Hmm. I wonder, as a substitute for the powdered liver, how well blood meal or fish meal might work out...... (Not an uncommon product used by some gardeners -- especially for rose growers.)
  8. dragon

    One VERY COOL Jumping Spider :)

    Those are beauties!
  9. dragon

    Figeater beetle stack

    That is bloody awesome!
  10. dragon

    Mating 2 males with the same female?

    Well the concept of "stronger genes" isn't the issue ... actually I found that rather amusing. But then I have a biology background. ;) What I was hoping to find the answer to was whether, after a mating with 2nd male (or 3rd or whatever), would the resulting offspring be just his or a mix...
  11. dragon

    Mating 2 males with the same female?

    *sigh* I was hoping someone had an answer for this very question.
  12. dragon


    Are you going to need to move the ooth from that location? If so how difficult will it be to do so?
  13. dragon


    Hmm, having issues trying to use the multiquote option. Is there something unique in the system used here? On any other forum I frequent, I would click on the multiquote for each quote I wish to include in my post then quote for the last one. I would then be taken to a reply window in which I...