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  1. L

    Man Jailed After Biting Head Off Gecko they should arrest that mantis-eating chick too.
  2. L


    Leave a note on the door for the postman: please put package inside. key is in the mailbox* *WARNING: do not attempt if your postman is untrustworthy! seriously though? maybe have a friend pick it up for you? or get a sleeping bag with heat packs in it and tell the postman to put them in there?
  3. L

    D. Lobata pics

  4. L

    Quick last minute reminder: Life In The Undergrowth.

    just out of curiosity what are walkers? i'm from the US, so please enlighten me. :lol:
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    Paratoxodera cornicollis pics

    yeah these are AWESOME! i'm still amazed everytime i see them. i think Ian posted the same photos up before and then the post turned into an ugly argument and was eventually deleted.
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    hmm i have molting concerns

    putting substrate in the enclosure such as sphagnum moss or peat moss and keeping it moist will help keep the humidity up. depending on how humid your area is, you may need to mist more or less frequently. california is very dry right now and my chinese nymphs are having bad sheds. :(
  7. L

    ghosts almost mating + pics

    ouch. that's painful to see, but i guess it's commonplace if you're a breeder. i thought ghosts could be kept communally? or do they only eat each other when mating?
  8. L

    PayPal account holders.....beware!

    dude that's scary good thing you caught it. thanks for the warning sam! i personally never received any fake paypal or ebay emails, but my girlfriend got an ebay one before. it said something about winning a bid and you're supposed to input your information.
  9. L

    question on misting enclosures

    b. mendica require low humidity levels so it may be best to not spray at all.
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    dramatic color change

    yeah he's definitely an african mantis, but is he lineola/centralia/viridis?
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    dramatic color change

    i'm guessing it's still too early to determine what species he is.
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    dramatic color change

    your wish has been granted
  13. L

    dramatic color change

    here's a picture of my african mantis before his recent shed and after he shed looks like he got a nice tan. :lol: can anyone tell me what species? or what instar? i think he's starting to develop wings.
  14. L

    ff culture...MOLD?!

    geckospot culture? haha
  15. L

    ff culture...MOLD?!

    here's a picture of it. ugh... i think it's mold. well if it won't hurt my mantids then i guess it's okay. now i just hope i don't get sick since it's in my room. :lol:
  16. L

    ff culture...MOLD?!

    i was inspecting my fruit fly culture because they're swarming inside and discovered some white stuff on the straw/hay or whatever's in there. is it possible for it to get moldy?! and if so would it be okay to feed them to my mantids still? i'm not sure what the medium is made of.
  17. L

    So how much have you spent on the hobby?

    i think i've spent about $50 USD so far. it's only the beginning. :wink:
  18. L

    My little test :D

    whoa that was sick! more... i want more...
  19. L

    My little test :D

    :shock: ugh gross... i want one! :lol:
  20. L

    cleanliness , bacteria and chemicals free?

    if the fake plants are made of plastic or have metal wire inside them, boiling or microwaving would be a really bad idea. light soap and water will be fine. just be sure to rinse off any traces of soap residue. let it air dry or dry with paper towel-your choice. hope this helps.