dramatic color change


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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
here's a picture of my african mantis before his recent shed

and after he shed

looks like he got a nice tan. :lol:

can anyone tell me what species? or what instar? i think he's starting to develop wings.

yeah, looks like pretty large wing buds forming. I would day he/she was either sub, or sub sub adult.

The colour change is, most of the time, due to what temperature, light levels and humitity they are kept at.



where are the big bud wings? if possible puttuing a red circle round em and rehosting would be good

yeah he's definitely an african mantis, but is he lineola/centralia/viridis?

Looks like you have yourself a male lineola or centralis. I would guess sub sub-adult. The wing buds are still pretty small, although it is a tough call for the first 10 days after it sheds. I guess we will find out for sure in a month!

just thought i'd update: well my african mantis molted again and it took about 20 days in between.



after reading Ian's reply i increased the humidity of the enclosure by spraying every day, and this was the outcome. i did not change the temperature or provide any extra lighting. this color morph was caused solely by humidity. i just find it amazing how easy it is to influence the color. so cool...

I always tend to believe that the mantis I recieve of a lighter colour have been better looked after. You often notice that Mantids kept in cups in vast quantities and not looked after so much remain a darker colour due to the lack of humidity. This is only really obvious in the African species though. Can't really be helped if you have that many Mantids to keep I suppose unless you have alot of time to fill

my african is kept pretty humid as i only recently told my mam it didn't need to be high humidity until now she sprays like its monsoon season but she was quite green when i got her but after her first moult she got a lot greener and its a brighter deeper green so perhaps mine is also due to humiidty

I had a dramatic colour change with my African Mantis yesterday





doesn't evewn look like the same Mantis

nice pics! i like the lighting. were you keeping your african mantis at a low humidity level too?
