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  1. N


    L-2,3 Unsexed Nymphs= $3.00 each, $10.00 for 4, $15.00 for 7. Priority Shipping w/ heat pack and styro box is $13.00 without LAG. Express Shipping w/ heat pack and styro box is $30.00 with LAG. Shipping in USA only, no exceptions. Payments via paypal only. Pm me with questions or orders...
  2. N

    Sorry I forgot to say hello.

    I've been interested in bugs and critters since I was a little guy. Stepped away from keeping to focus on that fun part of life called raising a family. Got back into tarantulas in 2009 that family is around 500. I've always had a passion for mantids, so no clue why I didn't start keeping them...
  3. N


    In my opinion temp sounds good, large tub with good ventilation- good. I would play with the food variable = no lettuce, see what changes etc. Just change 1 thing at a time to see if that's it or not. Fingers crossed Good Luck
  4. N

    Raise your hand if U regularly handle your tarantula

    As a general rule I don't treat them as cute and fuzzy pets. Occasionally I will get a ascapee during packing or feeding. Nothing gets the blood flowing like a Singapore Blue sprinting up your arm. Regular handling I don't reccommend if it has fangs, teeth or a stinger bad things can happen.
  5. N


    I feed about 500 tarantulas and 40 or so mantids, Also have to add the fruit flies , house flies and BB. Add some chocolate to the mix and it sounds like a party
  6. N


    I go thru about 2 thousands crickets a month, I've found that 72-74 degrees has worked best for me. I feed them Idaho potatoes,fish flakes and use water crystals. Cleaning out shed skins, dead bodies and food waste is a must. I do have some die before being food but a small amount.
  7. N

    Wanted to build my collection

    Still looking for Mantis in original post, but what like to find any other interesting species.
  8. N

    Wanted to build my collection

    I'm hoping to find some of the species below to add to my new and growing collection. If you have interest in tarantulas we might be able to work out some trades. Send me a PM and let me know what's available. Thanks Kevin Acontiothespis multicolor Cilnia humeralis Gonatista grisea Omomantis...
  9. N

    Yen Saw - (US)

    As a new member just learning about mantids,shipping and people to purchase from. Recieved my order from Yen a couple days ago and all 30 eating machines were happy and very healthy. I would say a good man to do business with. Thanks Kevin
  10. N

    Mantis Rearing Apprentices?

    I'm very new at rearing mantids and to this forum. But have found that everyone that I have chatted with very tolerant of my "stupid" questions and more than willing to point me in the right direction.
  11. N

    My red knee has started hidding!!??

    The view you need for sexing is a close up of the bottom of the abdoman, all this pic proves is that it's not a mature male. As for the behavior it could be caused by any 1 of many variables. Your T's abdoman is large enough,a little less food would be good. Generaly but not always a T will stop...