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  1. A

    Wanted: Common Garden Snails

    I need common garden snails (helix aspersa) but they aren't common here. I want as many as possible, so anyone that can collect a sizable amount should PM me and we could talk about price.
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    Idolomantis diabolica females for trade, maybe sale.

    I have 2 females at roughly L4/L5 up for sale or trade, preferably trade for budwings(p. agrionina) or giant asian. I'd want at least 6-10 of them, depending on size. I can also throw in some money to seal the deal. PM me for offers, or just post in this thread. Pics are available on request.
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    Yen Saw - (US)

    10 idolos recieved in perfect health. It's great this species is finally in culture here in the states.
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    Yen Saw - (US)

    Another perfect order. As everyone already knows, Yen's the best.
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    Californians, maybe you can help me.

    I'm looking for the brown garden snail, helix aspersa. I've heard they are common in CA in gardens, citrus groves, and the wild. Let me know if you can find a decent amount and we can work something out.
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    First orchid ooth

    Nice ooth. I had one laid a few days ago, but it looks rather sloppy compared to yours. Hopefully it's viable. One of the eggs was visible on the outside. Did you just feed them flies and crickets?
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    Help: Importing Philippine Fighting Spiders

    OK, so I'm going to the Philippines in a few weeks and I was trying to get some advice on trying to get these here. They are basically like any orb weaver found here, but are quite aggressive and will immediately fight any other spider they come in contact with. Instead of 2 white dots on the...
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    mantis flying

    ^^^Yes, they dive when they detect a bat's sonar with their ear. But on the topic at hand, even if they didn't fly I wouldn't take them out anyway, since they might die in this cold weather. Even in warm weather there's predators and parasites.
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    Humid substrate for orchids?

    I've kept orchids without substrate and had no problem. But if you want to take extra measures to prevent mismolting, you can also have some mesh or a paper towel up the sides in case is falls and can have a chance to get back up. The only orchid mismolt I've had was when an orchid fell and...
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    Idolomantis hatching alert!

    ....I'm really jealous. Congratulations on the success. What kind of problems did you run into when keeping/breeding these? And please tell me you're getting these to the US so they can spread here too. Just look at what Yen did with orchids. Do these require extra special treatment, or do they...
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    "Gay" Mantis

    Well, not really. I accidentally closed my window on a c humeralis male, and in it's death thoes struck a pose that just screamed fabulouuussss. Mantis recycling. Unfortunately, I failed to successfully breed this species because the female died. But it's not a big deal, since this is my...
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    Random mantis deaths

    Yeah it stays pretty much the same spot, though the cold weather probably has something to do with it (it's usually 68-73F in my room). I wouldn't worry about it getting on you, though if you have a cat, the it may not be a good idea. I do have to cage it up for a bit during feeding though.
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    Orchid Mantis Courtship + misc pics

    I learned something new yesterday. Once a female orchid mantis is mounted by a male, it won't open up her abdomen for mating unless she's coaxed to do so. The male does this by quickly scratching the back of her wings with his forelegs. I'd hear this flutter and just think it was wingbeats of a...
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    Random mantis deaths

    Maybe it's grip just sucks. I have a C humeralis male that would wake me up at least 3 times in the middle of the night by falling down from the top of the insect cup and make craploads of noise by flailing it's legs around. I even comtemplated killing the frickin' thing, but just decided to let...
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    Where can I purchase housefly maggots?

    I'll also say that keeping the maggots and pupae in substrate increases survival and hatch rates. I used coco coir(coconut fibers) and put in a container of dry catfood in case they got hungry. When I'd recieve my order of maggots, I used to just keep them in the bag they came in at room temp...
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    Odd looking orchid mantis ooth

    Wow, it lived long enough to mate with it's son? How long is that, and how long did the male take to mature? Is it common for them to live that long?
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    Mantis Temperature Tolerance?

    At least 60 degrees F. However, it does make them sluggish and slows their metabolism. I heard somewhere that keeping mantids(in the case I heard, orchid males), in too cold an environment can make them sterile. Don't know if it's true though.
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    Where can I purchase housefly maggots?

    Yeah, me neither. The houseflies I got surprised me on how small they were. Not really practical at raising anything. And I emailed grubco a while back and they said they were bluebottles, not houseflies. On a side note, it's really easy to catch flies on warmer days. I just leave a piece of...
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    Where can I purchase housefly maggots?

    ^^^That's a bluebottle, Rick. I know they're bigger because I ordered housefly pupae from somewhere(I don't remember, probably spiderpharm) and they were much smaller than bluebottles I ordered later on. Also, bluebottles are shiny and dark blue. Houseflies(musca domestica) are not shiny and...