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  1. Ghozt

    Viollin Nymps and Ooths

    we are selling L2-L5 nymps as well as a few ooths. pm me. Also, willing to trade.
  2. Ghozt

    Comment by 'Ghozt' in media 'Creobroter gemmatus'

    excellent pic
  3. Ghozt


    still looking....
  4. Ghozt


    anyone in the USA have any ?
  5. Ghozt

    Violin L2-L3 Nymphs Mass Sale

    Have to cut orders short and or full refunds. Contact me or Kitty
  6. Ghozt

    Orchid Ooth

    By The Way... I cant post any pics on the forum for some reson. Always say the image is too big, But I got the image so small u cant see anything !
  7. Ghozt

    Orchid Ooth

  8. Ghozt

    Orchid Ooth

    i never had an ooth layed on the glass....
  9. Ghozt

    Orchid Ooth

    male attached... male died. female layed... female died.
  10. Ghozt

    Orchid Ooth

    I have 1 orchid ooth... best offer gets it...
  11. Ghozt

    WTB male Orchid(s)

    i been looking also for a male... tell u what. If i get 1 and it mates with my females... ill send him to u next..
  12. Ghozt

    Need Male Orchid Adult

    still need adult male
  13. Ghozt

    Need Male Orchid Adult

    I still need a male adult !
  14. Ghozt

    Need Male Orchid Adult

    My stupid male orchid pulled or chewed his leg off and died... unreal ! Need male adult ASAP or 1 of my non mated females !
  15. Ghozt

    TAAA DAA !

    Ok, 1st batch is reserved. There all going to be shiped when they molt, I had to split this and the next batch that hatch... then the rest are mine for the forums.... I still have alota of mail in my box I will get to. I will contact ppl tonight.
  16. Ghozt

    TAAA DAA !

    I replayed to everyones IMs. If i missed u, replay.
  17. Ghozt

    TAAA DAA !

    No more Ooths :(
  18. Ghozt

    TAAA DAA !

    I was in a hurry to post n sell, but ill need to have most of them L3 b4 i can sell them. Weather is still heavy in alotta areas and i had to refund ppl already. Its snowing where you live... plz wait.
  19. Ghozt

    TAAA DAA !

    other pics are givin me problems. Just gonna retake them wile at the shop. Took the pics in some 3ooox3ooo something rez and i made the pics sooooooooo small that u cant see any nymps... LOLOLOL epic fail.