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  1. G

    Any chance of recovery? Do praying mantis' suffer?

    Hi - So our beloved Manty laid an ooth over the weekend. It was a few days before her ooth that she last ate - so she is going on just about a week now with no food. Pre-ooth I gave her a bit of honey and a bit of water - but at this point she has been refusing all water and food for a few days...
  2. G

    Not eating after ooth

    Thanks for everyone's feedback...
  3. G

    Not eating after ooth

    I offered her a cricket and she held it in her arms but didn't eat it. I think I hurt the cricket when grabbing it - it is still alive but was just sitting on her forearms and she wasn't pinching it anymore (a few hours after I gave it to her). I moved the cricket off of her to make sure it...
  4. G

    Not eating after ooth

    I consider molting when she shed her skin. I never actually saw it happen, but the next day we would find a little exoskeleton at the bottom of the cage. After the last molt her wings seemed most fully formed - and it has been a few months since she molted.
  5. G

    Not eating after ooth

    OK - I just tried honey and water and she is refusing both :-(
  6. G

    Not eating after ooth

    Based on a photo I submitted in an earlier post, another member identified her as Stagmomantis limbata. We caught her outside in early June and I believe she has molted 4 times since we've had her. I'll try honey and direct water. Thanks!
  7. G

    Not eating after ooth

    My mantis laid her ooth two days ago. She ate a big meal of a couple of crickets probably 4 days before her ooth, but then nothing since. Is that normal? She is looking a little pale - but I may be imagining that. We've given her water - drops around her cage on sticks and the ceiling near where...
  8. G

    Dripping / oozing liquid from rear - normal or dying?

    Oh! One more question... is there any chance that the ooth could be fertilized? She hasn't been around another mantis' since early summer. I'll occasionally clean out debris from her habitat and wipe down the sides and I don't want to disturb the ooth if it could contain babies...
  9. G

    Dripping / oozing liquid from rear - normal or dying?

    My whole family is so relieved she isn't dying. We are more attached to her than we are to our cat ;-) We've been so worried. We thought she was a male because her wings didn't extend to the end of her abdomen, but I guess we got that mixed up. She is almost done and it definitely looks like a...
  10. G

    Dripping / oozing liquid from rear - normal or dying?

    Hi - Our beloved mantis is having some trouble. A few days ago a clear (no color) liquid started coming from what I think is his rectum. It stayed there as a little drop for most of the day. Then later the drop turned black - I am assuming it was his poop mixed in with the liquid. He has had...