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  1. T

    Horrible molting

    They can stand upright on the sticks fine. She ended up molting abdomen first though and it got stuck and even after I freed it she couldn't get out all the way as she started incorrectly. 
  2. T

    Horrible molting

    She couldn't make it through the last of the shed overnight. I think I have an L7 curse. (Another one has a bend in the thorax)
  3. T

    Horrible molting

    Edit: I freed her abdomen from the shed, now it is the hope that she can do the rest overnight.
  4. T

    Horrible molting

    Another health issue with my children. It looks like she has gotten stuck in it.
  5. T

    Horrible Budwing Missmolt

    Her condition deteriorated very suddenly. She practically died, her body tensed up and hard to move, with only the faintest twitches coming from her. I decided to euthanize her with the freezer. I will now watch my other 8 like a hawk for any sign of shedding to prevent this. R.I.P Trice
  6. T

    Horrible Budwing Missmolt

    She isn't really taking to the mix well, and now she won't even eat honey. I am wondering if her mouth parts got gunked up from the mix at all, as she won't even bite/vomit when I place a finger to her mouth when I pick her up. (I am now considering euthanizing her via fridge but I will wait...
  7. T

    Horrible Budwing Missmolt

    I got her to eat some bug guts, but I think today I will try that PB, Honey, Bug, Water mixture. She can move her limbs, but has a hard time moving and doesn't like to. One of her front legs is also missing now the little claw end part; it broke away without much done at all.(On her paper towel...
  8. T

    Horrible Budwing Missmolt

    I came home to find that my mantis had shed into an L7 but fell during the process. I helped her out of the remaining shed but she isn't looking swell. Her hind legs have bends and her front claws are really messed up. I swapped her over to a paper towel filled enclosure for softer falling and...