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  1. M


    Thanks for the Link :)
  2. M


    Thanks :) Let's hope it grows up good and healthy
  3. M


    Great :D ilI'll have to read up on it then :) anything I should take into consideration while taking care of it?
  4. M


    Hey, I just went to take a look, because I never really looked closely. It does appear to have extremely small white dots inside the black dots.
  5. M


    Hello, thanks for the quick replies :) I can't really get clear pics of the little guy, but I manage to record a bit of video. He was mostly dirty white before he molted, it was only after that he got this green tint. And I caught him here in Portugal, so I guess that probably limits the...
  6. M


    Hello, I'm madmaz999, Very recently I was doing some gardening and found a little mantis. I did some research and found that most species aren't really all that hard to keep so I decided to give it a go. I brought it inside and set up a little enclosure for it. Over the last few weeks I've had...