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  1. uralowl

    Not sure what's in my fruit fly culture

    I guess I should probably just throw the culture away then? There doesn't seem to be any flies left alive in there today anyway, I only found 2 live ones which I fed to my mantids.
  2. uralowl

    Not sure what's in my fruit fly culture

    I'm really not sure what they are, I've never seen anything like them before. From what I've heard, most mites are white as well, so I haven't a clue...
  3. uralowl

    Not sure what's in my fruit fly culture

    Recently, almost all of the flies in my drosophilia hyde died. I've ordered some more which arrived yesterday, but unfortunately they're all maggots at the moment so I have to wait for them to mature. However, I noticed that in the old tub with the dead flies, there a lot of very tiny brown...
  4. uralowl

    Green Egyptian mantis?

    Thanks for the links. There's been a bit of a molting frenzy today, one of the L4 nymphs molted, as well as an L3 nymph and the L2 nymph that seems to have stayed a cream colour unlike its siblings.
  5. uralowl

    Green Egyptian mantis?

    Whenever I googled pictures of Egyptian mantids, they were always a light sandy colour, which is why I was wondering. These things grow much faster than my other mantids, one of them molted again just yesterday and I saw one of my L3 nymphs molting into a L4 earlier today. I'm used to my mantids...
  6. uralowl

    Green Egyptian mantis?

    I got four L1 Egyptian mantis nymphs from a friend of mine a little over a month ago after he had an ooth hatch. They've all been growing quite fast and most of them are L3 nymphs now, it's just one that's still an L2 nymph, though he seems due for another molt soon since he's been hanging...
  7. uralowl

    Ghost mantis won't eat

    I guess I'll just keep trying to feed her once every day or so. My African Lined Mantis molted just yesterday as well and is still refusing food. She's only gone without food for about 4 days now though so I'm not so worried.
  8. uralowl

    molting accident....advice

    Once I wasn't paying attention and accidently trapped one of my Giant Asian Mantis' back feet when I was putting the lid back on her deli cup. She panicked and started thrashing about and I swiftly opened the lid again. She lost her foot, but other than that she was fine and still eating and...
  9. uralowl

    Ghost mantis won't eat

    Problem is, the only flies I have are flightless fruit flies and they are far too tiny for my mantis now. I can't find any bigger flies in any local pet stores either and the only flies that I can find on eBay are just the same type of fruit fly (keeping in mind that I live in the UK, so no idea...
  10. uralowl

    Ghost mantis won't eat

    I'm getting a bit concerned about my Ghost mantis, she hasn't eaten for a little over a week now. She had a perfect molt just two days ago so I know it's not because she's in pre-molt, at least not any more. She's still a nymph, though this was her 5th molt I believe. There's been no change in...
  11. uralowl

    Jumping spiders - I think this is the right species

    Very nice looking species. I don't see jumping spiders that often, but occasionally find zebra jumping spiders on my windowsills.
  12. uralowl

    your favorite mantises

    Orchid Mantis Ghost Mantis Spiny Flower Mantis Indian Flower Mantis Malaysian Orchid Mantis Devil's Flower Mantis I haven't raised all of the mantids on that list, but they're some of my faves. If you google images of any of them, they're all very beautifully coloured mantids.
  13. uralowl

    Ghost color question

    I'm not too sure about this since I have a L4 female ghost mantis that's dark brown. Whether or not she'll turn green when she becomes an adult, I haven't a clue.
  14. uralowl

    Raise your hand if U regularly handle your tarantula

    I've handled my Chile Rose twice before, but I don't plan to handle her again any time soon. She didn't seem to mind too much either time I handled her, she just went back to being normal when she was put back inside her enclosure. But I just don't like putting her under stress, if she is under...
  15. uralowl

    I think my Indian Flower Mantis has laid an unfertilized ootheca

    Bit of a pity, but I don't really have a great deal of room for a bunch of baby mantids anyway, so maybe it's a good thing, lol.
  16. uralowl

    I think my Indian Flower Mantis has laid an unfertilized ootheca

    I've had my Indian Flower mantis for quite some time now, she molted into an adult on the 11th of March and she's never been mated. Last night I saw her wandering around her enclosure, which is quite unusual for her since she's normally always perching upside on the ceiling. This morning I woke...
  17. uralowl

    Orchid babies!!

    Very nice, I love Orchic mantids! :)
  18. uralowl

    Is there any way to tell if a mantis has recently molted?

    I remember when my Giant Asian Mantis molted a few weeks ago, she got very thin just before she molted and just after. She was on her 5th molt I believe. I am still not really sure if my Blue Flash has molted, he looks mostly the same except for the fact I'm sure he's bigger than before. I...
  19. uralowl

    Is there any way to tell if a mantis has recently molted?

    Nope, he's always been a bit on the chubby side around the abdomen. He most likely hasn't actually molted and I am indeed just going insane, lol.
  20. uralowl

    Is there any way to tell if a mantis has recently molted?

    He does look a bit thinner now, he was pretty fat beforehand.