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  1. nirotorin

    Another central Texas Mantis

    You're welcome! Just let me know when you guys are tired of identifying all my mantids.
  2. nirotorin

    Another central Texas Mantis

    It was released right away. Are they pretty rare, or what?
  3. nirotorin

    Another central Texas Mantis

    Here's another one found in the same area as the first. So what species is it?
  4. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    I bet they couldn't stand up to the apex predators though. Not for long. Especially if it was a group. Just like Lions, and hyenas still eat tortoises, and pangolins sometimes.
  5. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    Thanks! Yeah, I will for sure. It would be pretty cool. Even if there is only a small chance.
  6. nirotorin

    Best source for Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii

    I can wait a little bit. I was just wondering for future reference. I've wanted this species for years, so it'll be my first exotic mantis when the time comes. Hopefully very soon.
  7. nirotorin

    Worlds longest mantis

    Yeah, I can imagine. I've considered preserving dead mantids, but have never done so. I remember pinning, and preserving bugs being very hit, or miss as a kid.
  8. nirotorin

    Cryptic ooth hatch and Green ghost molts to adult

    Wow, noice! Congratulations!
  9. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Ankylosaurus? Well they're heavily armed, but they're all about defense. Animals like that did pretty well for themselves, at least until humans came along. Up until recently we had like glyptodons, and giant land tortoises on the continents. Spears succeeded where teeth failed.
  10. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Not about the raptor though.
  11. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Yes, definitely. Well said davetaki9.
  12. nirotorin

    Best source for Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii

    Oh cool, yeah. I'm interested.
  13. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Because of posts like that?
  14. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    Hhhmm, That's too bad. It would be awesome if they could be selectively bred for color, or other mutations.
  15. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    But what if they're both super hungry?
  16. nirotorin

    Best source for Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii

    Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii, where's the best place to get them?
  17. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Well, maybe a Utah Raptor.
  18. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Yes, thanks Precarious, for that rant. Nobody here is seriously contemplating fighting mantids. However they are creatures who happily eat their own kind. So thinking about who might win, or what might happen comes easily. Just like with dinosaurs, and other aggressive creatures. P.s. We all...
  19. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Haha, yeah I feel ya! I did very similar things. Over crowding unsuitable animals as a kid. If only we could turn back time. :( Also I can't believe you got scared of a
  20. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    I'll put you down as a maybe.