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  1. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    We're the All-Singing, All-Dancing mantises of the World! Yeah I'd watch that movie.
  2. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    I think I've seen a few of those actually. I kind of wonder what all insects the mantises defeated. I can't remember much about those videos, aside from some of them being really boring.
  3. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Yeah, that's kids for ya. Lost quite a few animals myself as a youngster due to ignorance. Never fought mantises, but me, and my friends fought our bettas once, or twice. There weren't any fatalities though.
  4. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Sounds like you've seen quite a few mantis fights.
  5. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Yeah I couldn't enjoy it. A video game version would be pretty cool though.
  6. nirotorin

    What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.

    Mantis fight club, right? ;) Or am I?
  7. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    Thanks , I'll definitely be using that information in the future.
  8. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    She has the genes for it though right? If I bred her offspring wouldn't the chance for more pink increase?
  9. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    So what are the chances of her making an ooth, and will the offspring be pink as well?
  10. nirotorin

    first case of adult male cannibalism

    It's really too bad mantids are so canibalistic. Just imagine what the hobby would be like if they were more social.
  11. nirotorin

    Oldest 2013 Tenodera

    What kind of parasite would it have been?
  12. nirotorin

    Worlds longest mantis

    Wow! Pretty damn cool yen-saw.
  13. nirotorin

    To Anyone who Watches Anime

    It was pretty funny. I liked the origin story for his mantis phobia. It was interesting, creepy, and funny all at the same time.
  14. nirotorin

    To Anyone who Watches Anime

    They do have mantids quite frequently in Japanese manga, and anime. They're definitely much more popular in Asia. I'll actually check this moneebebo episode out here in a sec. I do enjoy the anime occasionally. Hopefully it's not an abomination. ^_^
  15. nirotorin

    What's your favorite?

    Woops, guess I should have voted for flower mantises.
  16. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    Agent A don't worry about correcting me. I'm a novice for starters, and you were right. I'm guessing most of us who use this forum find it very difficult not to correct others when they're wrong. At least when it comes to our creatures.
  17. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    Well you all seem sure enough for me. I guess no need to post hindwing pics. Looks almost exactly like that one. Thanks for posting your pics Wolfie.
  18. nirotorin

    Texas species needs id

    Oh, I see. Cool! Thanks.
  19. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    I don't remember stripes, but I'll check the hindwings, and abdomen when I get home today. California mantis was just my best guess.
  20. nirotorin

    To Anyone who Watches Anime

    Those crazy Japanese, and their bugs.