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  1. L

    What breed

    Thank you Dane  .the mother laid an other eggsac, is that will be live
  2. L

    What breed

    This is what it look like 48 hours after it's second molt.
  3. L

    Disassembly required.

  4. L

    Mantis vs Monarch.

  5. L

    What breed

    Thanks for the info, it molted a second time 2 days ago. soon more picture
  6. L

    Guardian of the light tower

    Thank you very much my friend.
  7. L

    What breed

    It molted today, everything went fine.
  8. L

    What breed

    That bonsai have been here few years, but it was in the vivarium since the Miomantis got here (few month). Other than local, last summer no mantis...none that could give that result.
  9. L

    What breed

    Mystery solved...maybe I have this female mantis at home that I got from a pet store close by, it was already full grown (with wings). She enjoyed often my bonsai tree and today I found egg sac on 2 leave. I have been told it is a Miomantis paykullii ,But I am not sure of that. Do you think...
  10. L

    What breed

    Here's a better picture.
  11. L

    What breed

    For high ventilation, I've put it in a 8x8x8 exoterra terrarium.
  12. L

    What breed

    Since Dane told me about ventilation ,the top is a screen mesh, it has a scott towel at the bottom. I gave it water and it drank being careful about the drowning part. It did took a good 4 days before I found proper food for it. I am not sure that they are from Costa Rica, I just assume cause...
  13. L

    What breed

    I am sorry, what is an ooth? The only plant I have here are in a tropical terrarium. It would not survive there
  14. L

    What breed

    Thank you Dane. Something really weird happened, today I found the mantis dead, but here's the weird part, 10 minute later I found an other one. At the same place on the counter from where I found the previous. That one is a lots more active it jump high and it took her less than 2 second to...
  15. L

    What breed

    Today I've introduce fruit-fly, how many would you put at a time ?
  16. L

    What breed

    First time ever with a bark mantis, but it is very hard to enjoy at that size
  17. L

    What breed

    Today I got home from work and the 2 pinhead cricket are gone, most likely digested. And I should received tomorrow some fruit fly that I've ordered. One thing I can say so far about the Liturgusa, They are really fast and move a lot.
  18. L

    What breed

    I have made a screen top for the bowl, and I found a place where they will ordered some fruitflies tomorow. I have a big tropical vivarium ,I will put the mantis bowl in there.
  19. L

    What breed

    I hope that it is what we think, thanks for the info.
  20. L

    Guardian of the light tower

    Thanks very much, Here's an other one of her. The thinker.