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  1. rs4guy

    Need I.D

    Being that both are so similar, I will agree with Rick. My adult BF and linoela females look very similar, nevermind the nymphs.
  2. rs4guy

    Bark mantis

    I saw MANY of those bark mantids when in the Amazon, they are extremely fast indeed, and quite awesome, thanks for sharing!
  3. rs4guy

    Linoela ooth for sale!!

    ON the smaller side, 10$ plus shipping, continental US only! PM me for details, thanks guys!
  4. rs4guy

    Red Runners

    A fair reason why my girl would never allow such feeders.
  5. rs4guy

    My new veiled chameleons

    And why are you biting peole when in 7th grade? That's preschool type behavior IMO....
  6. rs4guy

    How well does a mantid clot it's fluid after being cut?

    OK great, she seems fine otherwise, and the blood is already starting to slow alot. I think she will be just fine. Maybe no mate though :/ BUT is enjoying a large cricket, I will feed her copiously to help with the loss of fluids.
  7. rs4guy

    Swollen Wingbuds/Not Molting

    All in time.
  8. rs4guy

    How well does a mantid clot it's fluid after being cut?

    A male BF clipped open the underside of a gravid female, she seems ok, but is dripping a light green fluid. How long does it roughly take to start clotting and scabbing over?
  9. rs4guy

    Did my mantis elective today

    What a bunch of nerds ;) No really, what did you expect, not everyone likes bugs... I'm sure you did a nice job nonetheless.
  10. rs4guy

    Orchid babies!!

    PM me for info on pricing if you are interested. Bulk deals will see a price break. Thanks.
  11. rs4guy

    RS4guy's lab

    Thanks guys, I love that vase!!!!
  12. rs4guy

    Raise your hand if U regularly handle your tarantula

    I handle my 7" p metallica all the time, she is the sweetest. JK!
  13. rs4guy

    Here comes the future... Lytro!

    Cool beans, I cant wait to see a HD version, I'll be in line..
  14. rs4guy

    RS4guy's lab

    Yea that vase is my fav! As for the mating stick, who says one can't mix work and pleasure? Thanks guys.
  15. rs4guy

    Orchid babies!!

    Thanks guys, I was giving up, didn't even expect them to hatch..... Good thing they didn't give up!
  16. rs4guy

    Orchid babies!!

    Snapped a few quick shots, the nymphs drive me crazy, so this is all I had patience for: I have 2 32oz cups full of these guys, about 22-23 in each, loaded with FF's for pleasure. And the lovely parents: Hope this appeases you Patrick ;)
  17. rs4guy

    RS4guy's lab

    This is an overview of my "lab" space, where I do all of my organic type things. Growing plants, breeding insects, reptiles, fungus etc.. The infamous "mating stick". This is where it all goes down my friends. Maxwell, my trusted Bearded Dragon (male, 4 years old) I'm trying to...
  18. rs4guy

    Platycryptus Undatus Care

    That's a sweet looking spider man!
  19. rs4guy

    For sale: imperfect S. blue flash adult female

    I have a perfectly healthy female BF adult, but her wings dried deformed, so I clipped the outer casing for her ease of movement. Anyways shes about 3 weeks adult, has yet to lay an ooth and is the green coloration. $5 plus shipping, please PM me for info! EDIT: I also have a sub adult female...
  20. rs4guy

    Wanted: Male sub adult/adult Popa spurca

    US shipping only, please pm me with offers, thanks! Josh