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  1. MantisNation


    LOL - I agree with some of you guys. FF cultures in PetCo really suck!! I only use them as back up in case of an emergency. Sometimes I think they're trying to sell you a culture of mold, and throw in a couple of free flies for you lol. Yeah they suck. Thanks, Eros
  2. MantisNation

    How many times do you mate your US native mantids?

    Hey, I personally only mate them ONCE, then after the female lays 2 oothecae, I mate them again 1 time, and continue the procces. You wouldn't want to mate a female several times before she lays an ootheca b/c if mated to much, the female can reject the "balls" that the sperm comes packed in...
  3. MantisNation

    Gongylus Gongylodes Molting Period...

    Hey Fellas, For those who havekept gongylus gongylodes before....How long does it take for the average gongylus to molt in to adult from subadult?? Thanks, Eros JN
  4. MantisNation


    Thanks for the replies. Yeah I intend on selling some grisea when the ooth hatches:-) PS- The grisea look even better when they are on the tree that they blend in with..... but this was just a small tree I had out in my back porch. Thanks, Eros JN
  5. MantisNation

    For Sale

    I have Egyptian Mantids available at $4 a piece. I have Ghost Mantids at $10 a piece, and I have Indian Flower Mantids at $10 a peice. These nymphs are currently L1-L2. Let me know if interested. Thanks, Eros
  6. L6 nymph

    L6 nymph

  7. Subadult Nymph

    Subadult Nymph

  8. L4 Hymenopus Coronatus

    L4 Hymenopus Coronatus

  9. MantisNation


    Thnx :-) Grisea: Gongylodes: Grisea:
  10. MantisNation


    This might sound stupid, but how do you guys post photos on the forum??? I've never done it before, but would like to post some pics of my Grisea. Thanks, Eros
  11. MantisNation

    New Web Site

    Hey, Thanks for all the comments fellas. Me and Deshawn are pretty tight, so he said it wouldn't be a problem if I used them. I was considering making my own, but in reality, I mean all these mantid care sheets are pretty much telling you the same thing....keep at warm temps, good humidity...
  12. MantisNation

    New Web Site

    Thanks for the feedback guys! I definately want to make it better than the last. I just started it a day ago so i'll need a few weeks to add some stuff. I'm in the proccess of buying a small High Definition CamCorder to record some mantids, and throw the footage on the site :-) Thanks, Eros JN
  13. MantisNation

    New Web Site

    Here's my new name on the Forum :-D
  14. MantisNation

