How many times do you mate your US native mantids?


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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
Palmdale, California, USA
I know there is no set rule for this and I am aware that the more you mate a female, the better hatch rate all of her ooths will have. But, I am interested in knowing how many times YOU prefer to mate your US Native species (like the Stagommantis sp. and Tenodera sp.) females with males.

If you do it multiple times do you wait until she has produced a certain amount of ooths to mate her again or do you do it whenever it's convenient?

Thanks for the feedback. :)

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At least once but it doesn't make to much difference. After she lays a few ooths I will mate her again just in case.

Yeah, like Rick said, at least once. But since I have a male around doing nothing all the time, I just have him mate every so often. :lol:

Yeah, like Rick said, at least once. But since I have a male around doing nothing all the time, I just have him mate every so often. :lol:

I personally only mate them ONCE, then after the female lays 2 oothecae, I mate them again 1 time, and continue the procces. You wouldn't want to mate a female several times before she lays an ootheca b/c if mated to much, the female can reject the "balls" that the sperm comes packed in, and they cant really regulate just how many spheres they reject so they can end up throwing them all out, even the ones from earlier matings.


