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  1. I


    Well, I've done some research and it seems that artificial media is suitable for these - which is good obviously! - the other bonus with an artificial media is that the larvae will be free in the media and hence can probably be harvested themselves...
  2. I


    Yeah, these are a real grain pest- multiply like crazy... that's why they're good... but also why as u say, you REALLY don't want these getting out... I have loads of these but want my cultures to get bigger before I sell - I'll keep u posted :)
  3. I


    ok, amongst other cool reasons for studying entomology at uni, I have just found the perfect live food for mantids... It is a small moth - so perfect for orchid, flower and gongys and it's called the Angoumois grain moth, (Sitotroga cerealella) - it's about 7mm long with a wing length close to a...
  4. I

    Critters in my fly culture??

    -or you could use a predatory mite - phytoseulis or hypoaspis would work... but they are more mites... on the plus side, they keep down fungus gnats, sprintails and other such pests! - but yeah, Rick is right, best to get rid of them all... Or - if you have a reasonably good microscope...
  5. I


    Wow, still find it surprising that Ian is that young... still, got a business going- I'm impressed :) My school's education dude or whatever summed it all up simply... Until you get into second degrees at uni (say MSc or whatever) - ALL degrees are simply keys for the next level. SATs are...
  6. I

    taratula escaped

    Happened to me before - same species... they don't tend to be much for climbing so look on the floor. Mine tended to head towards the airing cupboard as it was the warmest area. And always in dark areas. My cobalt blue liked a more humid area in the corner when it escaped My greenbottle blue...
  7. I

    Location - UK - Nr. SE London

    I live in Biggin Hill - so easy to get to Bromley, Orpington etc... sold most of mine though- just keeping arachnids and my parents at the moment :)
  8. I

    Hello ;)

    Cool name by the way :) - I tried looking for the seeds to culture that vine but couldn't find them :(
  9. I

    Crane fly eggs

    wait wait, crane flies aren't aquatic... if we're talking about the same things - those large thin-legged flies that you see on wet humid days that guys like to scare girls with (Tipulidae), the larvae are root feeders... in theory (haven't tried this) - sticking them in soil with a potato or...
  10. I

    Good healthy crickts?

    I get mine from - same comment as Rick above... some people have different preferences - again, never had a problem If in doubt, breed your own :)
  11. I

    Noob question...

    If it's all legs then you can be pretty sure it's nothing to worry about. It's when one part of the mody is unusually coloured compared to the rest... As for the hanging upside down part- it's a typical mantis thing- they all do it - and yes, they will hang upside down when they are about to...
  12. I

    Hellooo from England!

    Welcome! :) which dealer?- I'm sure they'd appreciate the feedback
  13. I

    super worm beetles?

    zophobas morio?? - Yeah, I've used these and honestly, they're terrible for mantids... well, even more honestly, they're not great for anything! (as always people, feel free to disagree!) Mantids - tend to be too big and at the *superworm* stage and also mantids find them tricky to hold onto-...
  14. I

    Got an interview with BBC working lunch!

    ooo, an E.calcarata... shame it wasn't a male- watching them trying to pull them away would have been funny... they're mean! Nice going though- too lazy to record working lunch so show us the link on youtube! :)
  15. I

    -When Selling Mantis: The Just Prices?

    I think the easiest way of answering this would be to say to do a search on here typing in for example "whalbergii" and finding the posts in the for sale/trade section... There will always be people selling nymphs and others selling adults. Then do a reasonable increase from one to the other...
  16. I

    Curly winged flies: culture?

    Easier just to buy un-dyed fishing maggots... they're bluebottles but serve the same purpose although I've heard some species don't take well to the *sheen* they have... (i'd have to check)
  17. I

    Hello from Seattle

    Welcome :) - what part of Seattle? - I used to live in Auburn - virtually underneath Mt Rainier so I got to know Seattle quite well - but now live back in England... welcome again! :D
  18. I

    Mantis like Bug

    yeah, there are several bugs that do this - convergent evolution to have raptoral forelegs... Nabidae is another one- only they're quite small- the British species are less than 10mm. I did a project on them but they're always fun to watch :)
  19. I


    While some might agree with your claims (obviously this matter hasn't been solved the way you might have wanted)- it's curteous to create a new post here with just the name of the person in question so that others may leave positve or negative feedback under the same post. I'm not having a go-...
  20. I

    Keeping Locusts

    oops, misread... :oops: Ok, from my experience, things that have killed my locusts fall into 5 categories: Heat: - too much or too little - too little is better than too much as they dehydrate or burn themselves on the lamp/ heatmat if it's too hot - too little means a longer reproductive...