Hellooo from England!


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Bournemouth- England
New to the forums and a new mantis keeper! Ive got my first little one... Shiva... love her to bits. I think shes an african, but Im not 100%.... actually got her from one of the people on these forums :)

Welcome. Make sure to use the search feature as all your noob questions have been asked.

Haha, I just had to laugh at that Rick. I am also new to the hobby Chrome so welcome to the forums. I just got 1 really cool Ghost Mantid and 7 really tough looking Marbled Mantids of all different colors. All are nymphs.

Hello again!

Shiva is a Hierodula membrenacea if i recall, i forgot to mention that the other day.

Rick, dont be so harsh, the term noob is considered derogitory, whilst newbie isnt, be a bit more considerate next time please.

Also, hello insect guy and welcome also.

Sheldon Johnson
